H.C.B.T.O 15

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I woke up at 8 and made breakfast for Damian and Keyshawn before writing a letter to them. I dressed in shorts and a tank top before gathering my clothes for later.

I kissed Damian's lips, grabbed my phone and keys before going to the trap. I pulled up to the trap and walked up to the door to Trigga and Scooby.

"Hey Trigga, hey Scooby" I've known them since the first day they started.

"Wassup Syd" Trigga said.

"Wassup ma" Scooby said.

"Are y'all gonna move and let me in?" I asked.

"You know we can't do that. You can't go in without your brother or Boyfriend here" Scooby said.

"I know, Keyshawn said come and get the keys to the van and drive it over to his place." I said lying through my teeth.

They looked at each other then moved aside to let me in.

"Thanks guys" I said hugging them both and giving them a kiss on the cheek. I walked in and said hi to everyone I passed. I walked into Keyshawn office to see Chris sitting at his desk doing paperwork.

"Hey Chrissy" I said smiling. I know Chris has a crush on me, so I can use that.

"Wassup ma" he said looking at me and smiling wide. "What you doing here?" he asked.

"Keyshawn told me to come pick up the van" I said lying again. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Ok" he passed me the keys to one of the vans.

"Thanks, I'll see you later" I said taking the keys and kissing his cheek. I walked out back to the van. I started it up, and backed up towards the warehouse were the weapons are kept.

I hopped out the van, and opened the back doors before putting in the passcode to unlock the door. I knew it cause it was my birthday.

Once the door opened, I grabbed enough vests for everyone and grabbed two small guns and an AK for each person. Too much is never enough.

I quickly counted and recounted everything making sure I didn't forget anything. When I had everything I drove the van over to my house, in my garage.

I jogged inside my house and grabbed a few extra things before returning to the van. It was 11 when I finished so I did a group text to see if everyone was ready.

Me: I finished early, y'all ready? I'm coming to pick everyone up now.

Audrey: Yea I'm ready

Ashanti: Me too

Raven: I need like 5 minutes. get me last

Talitha: I'm ready

Shirley: Me too

Sam: Yep I'm good

I pulled out the garage, and went to pick up all the girls.

We drove to an abandoned warehouse and talked about the plan thoroughly so everyone knew there part. When that was done, it was 10.

"Ok, so y'all ready to roll out?" I asked. Everyone nodded and walked out to the van to put on their vest and grabbed their 3 guns.

We all got in the van and drove over to the place I was taken when I was kidnapped. I will forever remember this place.

It will be stuck in my brain weather I want it to be or not. I parked a few houses down from the actual house.

"Everyone ready?" I asked. All I heard was guns being cocked so I took that as a yes. We all exited the van and slowly walked over to the house.

Audrey, Raven, and I went to the front door while Shirley, Ashanti, Sam and Talitha went through the back.

I counted down from 3, then banged on the door loud enough so the others going through the back could hear. That was their que to bust through the back.

I listened and heard gun shots, then I kicked the door down and saw Shirley, Sam and Talitha shooting people in the kitchen and back rooms. The front rooms was full of niggas getting head or fucking.

The girls and I shot them all including the females and took whatever they had on them that was valuable.

Audrey, Raven and I went to join the others in the back who were still shooting. When I got to the back room everyone was in, it was huge. Like two living rooms put together and niggas where everywhere.

I quickly ducked behind a huge metal table where the rest of the girls were.

"Did anyone see Jordan? " I asked over the sound of gunfire.

"He ran into that room" Shirley said pointing in the direction of a big black door. I started shooting with girls and realized this was taking to long.

I told Shirley and Sam to watch my back as I ran back to the van to grab my baby.


This is my favorite gun. I love this gun so much, I brought both of them. I carefully ran back inside to the girls. I was hella excited to use my babies. I got back behind the table. "Is anyone hurt, everyone ok?" I asked.

"We good" Talitha said before shooting a nigga between the eyes. Impressive.

I took the safety off both my guns before peeking off the side of the table and shooting. I shot two niggas. One in the face and another through the head.

"How many left?" Audrey asked. I sat back for a minute and counted the number of shots I heard from both sides.

"Sounds like 3. No more than 4" I said.

"It's time to take these niggas out" Ashanti said. Everyone nodded and began shooting at the same time. I got up still shooting, walking towards the guys shooting at us, followed by the rest of the girls. I emptied my clip into them niggas then looked at the rest of the girls.

We all reloaded before walking into the room where Jordan was. I walked in first and the girls followed close behind with their guns up. The room was dark, and cold.

Just like I remember it. I took a few more steps then stopped. The lights came on a few seconds later, and in front of me stood Jordan, Keisha and Monica. Just I was about to say something, niggas started popping out of nowhere.

I looked on the girls faces and they had no expression but I knew they were scared cause I was. But we stood our ground and didn't show it.

I know two people named Trigga and Scooby.

They fine asf but shhhh, that's our secret.

Its about to go down #Kevin Hart voice

#HoldMyNuts #MyThuggas

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