Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Song: I Wouldn't mind by He Is We


After walking for 20 minutes I arrived at school. 15 minutes late! I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch! After making my way to the office, I gotta late slip off of Maya - the sweet 60 year old that runs the office, she's like a Grandma to me. As i started to walk off i heard the principle call my name. Oh god, what the fuck have I done now? I don't remember doing anything.

"Yes sir?" I replied politely.

" This is Leah and Spencer Bannigan, they are new and I would like you to show them around. I have personally made sure that they have the exact same timetable as you. Now, I know you are a straight A student with a perfect attendance so I hope you wont let me down."

"Don't worry sir. We should go now before we are late." I stated as I started to drag Leah and Spencer down the hall.

"So, your new here? Where are you orignally from then?"

"England," they both answered in sync. Their English accent stood out.

" Oh cool! Welcome to Florida! I'm sorry if I seem really hyper, it's just they way I am! If you want you both can sit with me and my two friends- Jade and Rose at lunch!" I exclaimed after explaining the school times and rules. After that I showed them to their lockers and took them to class. After making them promise to sit with me at lunch, I took my seat at the other side of the class.


"Come on! We need to get to the table to meet Jade and Rose!" I practically dragged them to our table and sat down waiting for Jade and Rose to come from Drama.

"Steph!" I heard the voices of my best friends shout as they ran towards to the table but as they went to sit down they noticed that I wasn't alone.

"So who's the hottie and his twin! they look so alike! so hot!" Rose said to me while eyeing up Spencer making him squirm uncomfortably in his seat.

"Jade, Rose this is Leah and Spencer, they are from England!" i explained.

"Hi, I'm Jade and that over there fan girling over Spencer is Rose. I can't believe you want to talk to us considering we aren't popular, actually we're quiet the opposite." Jade said to Leah who just giggled and said hi back.

"Hey, I'm Rose, as Jade already explained. Nice to meet you! oh and Leah your really pretty BTW and Spencer..." Rose dragged off.

"Yeah?" He replied in his British accent.

"Are you single?"

"Actually, I'm gay," Spencer said then started to laugh along with Leah as all our mouths dropped open in the shape of a 'O'.

"Awesome! I've always wanted a gay best friend!" i said hugging Spencer who just laughed and hugged me back.

Lunch went by quickly after that while Spencer and Leah explained that their moms job got transferred here and should be here for the next 10 years at least. The bell rang and we all said goodbye and went our separate ways- me to study hall, Jade and Rose to English and Spencer and Leah had to go home to help sort the house.

As I was walking to my locker, I was suddenly pushed to the ground. I turned around to see Veronica Waters and her to little followers Layla and Ellis laughing their nasally laughs while pointing to me. I stood up to walk away when i was suddenly pulled back by my hair. Ouch!

"Where do you think your going bitch?" Veronica asked as she stood closer and closer to me until my back was pressed against the lockers.

"N-n-nowhere" Stupid stutter!

"That's what I thought!" Then she slapped me. Not once but 4 times for no reason. You know what? That's it. I've had enough of her and all her shit that she does to me for nothing I thought as a silent tear ran down my cheek.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you to deserve this?" I asked weakly as my vision blurred and tears started to run down my cheeks like a flowing river during a storm. Oh great now this bitch gets to see me sobbing my heart out. Just another thing to add to her list to make fun of me.

"I dunno just for fun i guess. I just wanna break the unbreakable little nerd. Oh and didn't think you were gonna cry, haha it just makes this thing a whole lot better," she smirked then punched me so hard I fell to the ground. She then proceeded to kick me in my side and head with her high heels as well as her wannabes then stalked off as my vision started to go black.

The last thing I remember is their evil laugh. Then everything went black.



Authors note

Chapter 6 up finally! I know my update days are all over the place but every time I get a good idea I'm trying to write it up as soon as i can. The picture on the side is my friend Leah (LJ) should follow her! she's gotta good book to with me in it. Josephinebannigan

Anyway what do you think? I've typed this up on the computer so i dunno if it's came out okay.

TEASER: She wakes up somewhere unknown. With someone totally unexpected by her side... who?

Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!


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