Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Song: photograph by Ed Sheeran


Stephanie's POV

"Stephy!" My little brother Matt screams in my ear as I attempt to wake from my dream with Channing Tatum.

Key word there: attempt.

"Ugh, asdfghjkl, what is it Matt?!" I ask in a groggy voice, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

"Stephy! you need to get up! It's my birthday remember?! I need my special pancakes made!" Of course, only my 10 year old brother would come into my room at- wait a minute what time is it? 6:17 am?!- just to ask me to make his special birthday pancakes.

Yeah. Today is April the 23rd and that also means it's my little brothers 11th birthday. Yet another birthday without my parents here.

"Okay, okay I'm coming. Couldn't you have slept in for a little bit longer? I know your 11 today but it's 6 am, Matt!" I moaned as I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to get the pancake batter out.

Matt's 'special birthday pancakes' are basically pancakes with Nutella and chocolate chips through the centre of them. I've made them for him ever since the first time we got left alone on one of his birthdays, now it's sorta became a tradition.

As I flip the 11 pancakes into a plate, Matt is practically jumping up and down on the chair. I sat the plate down infront of him and he ate the whole stack in less than a minute! You would think I was starving him, which I certainly wasn't!

After I ate my pancakes, we got ready and headed out to the bowling, another birthday tradition.


"Strike" it says in big, bold letters across the score board.

"Ugh, another one?! Since when did you get so good at this Matt? That's 2 strikes and 3 spares already! I've not even knocked down 7 pins!" I moaned as my little brother kicked my ass at bowling. The deal was, loser has to pay for dinner and winner gets to choose where.

"Your up, loser," Matt patted my back as he said this making a 'L' shape with his thumb and finger on his forehead.

"Strike!" I screamed, as I ran to Matt to pick him up and spin around in a circle. After he was safely on the ground I started to do my happy dance. Until I heard a deep, sexy chuckle that could only belong to one person.

Parker Blake.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in, oh wait that is the cat," he laughed at me as he said that. I'm not gonna lie, it hurt, it's not as if I like him or that. Eww no! I hate his guts but when someone says that to you it kinda hurts.

"Stephy, who's that?" Matt asked timidly, cowering behind me.

"It's no one, c'mon that's our game finished. You won! Where do you wanna go to eat?"


"On your birthday? Are you sure?" He nodded his head so I took that as a yes and sighed. Off to McDonald's we go.


After sitting in McDonald's for a while, we decided to head home. What we didn't know is that when we came home we were gonna be in for the biggest shock of our lives.

Authors note

Ohh! Cliff hanger. What do you thinks gonna happen next?

So? What do you think? I know a little boring but it's my first time. When I edit it I'll try to make it better! It's s but short.

Teaser: they come home to something really unexpected will it be a good thing or a bad thing?
And Steph has another run in with someone. I wonder who?

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