Chapter 23

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I feel like I'm gonna die.

Like literally die.

The atmosphere up here is so thick, it could cut right through STEEL. The hatred their stares carry is unbearable.

"Winger, tell her to stop looking at me." Summer said.

"What?!? You stop looking at me!" Crystal replied.

This should be a game show:
'Survive The Tension!
If you can survive two female dragon staring at eachother with pure hatred with no trace of love for two whole hours, you'll win your sanity back from doing it!'

If someone made THAT a game, I'd be the first to sign up, and the first to lose. It penetrates through your scales, as if they're looking at you, but they're not! It's a terribly creepy feeling, trust me.

"Why don't we all just, you know, be frie-" before I could even finish, they bore their teeth at eachother. If she knew she hated her soooo much, why did she even suggest to stay with her? To torture ME?
I can't take it. If I don't do something, I'll crush under the pressure.
I got it! I need to start a conversation!
How about that weird looking thing on her tail? Oh wait, that wasn't there before....

"Summer, have you looked at you tail in a while?"

"Yeah, why?" She whipped around and saw a glowing symbol on her tail.

"Wow. What's that." She asked. It was almost impossible to tell if she was even asking something or stating something because of the lack of emotion her words carried. That was weird. Summer is usually ecstatic about things like this. Super weird.

By then, Crystal turned around to see what was happening. I'm pretty sure I saw her eyes widen, but not out of surprise. It was a whole different emotion that was way stronger than surprise.

The symbol glowed a beautiful vibrant green. The purple was a very pretty color, in oppose to the blue that we got. That is soooo unfair!
After seeing that strange sign thingy, we stopped flying. Who wouldn't anyways?

"Ok, that's weird." I said while everyone's focus was on Summer's tail. "Ya think?" Crystal responded. "Maybe we should brush it off until the end of today. Leyla will most likely know what it is. Plus, I'm a bit tired from all of this flying to deal with something else at the moment."

Wanna know what's weirder that thing in Summer's tail? The fact that Crystal was tired. Crystal is alot of things and tired is NEVER one of them. This dragon can fly around the three times and still have the ability to say "who wants to go fishing!?!"
Wanna know what's weirder than that? Crystal lacked emotion. She usually sounds like she's acting when she talks.

"Summer, Crystal, why do you hate eachother so much? And Summer, if you did hate her this much then why would you decide to fly with her? I can't understand! The tension up her is killing me!"

"Relax Winger. This won't go on for much longer. We're almost at the checkpoint!" Crystal said, ripping her eyes from off of Summer's tail.

"Nice try. That didn't answer my question."

"You want an answer? Go an ask Little Miss SUMMER over here!"

"Excuse me?!" Summer said, no, YELLED as she turned to Crystal who was flying beside me. Then they started bickering, and bickering, and bickering.

There went my relaxing joy ride to the next checkpoint. Cutter's probably having the time of his life with Aggro. What? He thinks I don't know? Sigh. This is going to be a loooooonnnngg ride.

P.S please, please, please, check out fanatic follower games! She's looking for more people to participate and needs 12 more people. Do both of us a favor and check it out if your interested!

Stay healthy, stay sweet, and...


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