Chapter 4

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"So...what does this have to do with that rock-looking-thing Summer found?" asked Aggro.

"You don't get it?" Dak answered.
"That's Anastasia's jewel!"
"What should we do about it?" Said Burple.
"I don't know...Winger what do you think we should do?

Winger didn't respond he was lost in thought.

"Winger? Winger!" Shouted Dak

"Huh?" He replied

"I think we need to talk."

Dak hopped on Winger and they flew off.
"Bro what's up?" Dak said

"What? Nothing......" His voice trailed off.

"I know its not 'nothing'." Dak said,
more stern than usual.
"It's just...
I have a little crush on Summer." Winger replied, a bit embarrassed.

"YOU WHAT?!?" Dak shouted."Wait what's wrong with that?"

"She's more rude to me than all the others, it really....."his voice trailed off again.

"Breaks your heart?" Dak replied.

Winger nodded in response

Winger started to tear up a bit."I don't think she likes me at all"

Dak gave a loving smile and said, "I'll talk to her for you."

"You'd do that?"

"Of course."

"Thanks Dak. you're the best!"

"I know."

When they got back to the roost, Winger went straight to bed, even though it was the afternoon.

"What's up with Winger?" Said Leyla.
"Oh! Umm...he's just...tired." Dak responded.
Okay...Layla said in disbelief.
"Anyways, since we clearly don't have enough fish, who's wants some fresh fish from Elbone?"

"Me!" They all exclaimed as they rushed out the door, ready to fly off.

Before Summer flew off, Dak grabbed a hold of her a said "Wait." She saw that he was serious so she obeyed.

"We need to talk"

Then, she followed him back into the roost.

Anastasia's Jewel Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin