Chapter 13

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Everyone stared in awe at the majestic light. I seemed to be drawing them to it already.

Summer looked at Crystal in annoyance.

Crystal tried smiling at her, but all she did was look away.

"I'M SO DONE! If Summer doesn't want to be my friend, then so be it."

"Now that we know where to go, do we leave now, or tomorrow?" Asked Dak.

"I think we should set out tomorrow." Said Leyla. "Besides, it's getting cold."

"Okay everyone." Said Winger." We're leaving first thing tomorrow."

They camped in a nearby cave inside a mountain and they all slept. All but Crystal.

She left the cave, flew on top of the mountain, and started crying.

"Why doesn't Summer like me?" She sobbed.

"Was mom right? Am I just an ugly dragon who no one likes to be around?"


  When Crystal was a little dragon, they never liked her, because she was more powerful than the others. She had two sister's (Blossom and Bloom), a brother (Talon), a mom, and a dead father. Her father died when she was born, protecting her from a group of dragons. Ever since her father died, her family started to be cruel towards her, because her father was not there to protect her. The only one left to protect her and even feed her was her brother.
Everyday her mom would always tell her:
"you're a selfish little dragon who only wants what's best for herself. No one will ever love you. You're a useless and ugly dragon that no one wants to be around, and you can never change that."

  Over, and over. Again and again. Those words echoed in her her head for the rest of her life.
She heard those words so much, that she slowly but surely started to believe them. The only one who told her otherwise was her brother. He'd always tell her "you're beautiful", but she didn't believe it anymore. When she was 11 years old, she was very beautiful, but she didn't believe it.

  Her birth name was Cherry, but after her father died, her mother changed her name to Nothing. All they called her was Nothing

  On her 12th birthday, her mom realized her brother was taking care of her, so she killed him in front of her. She bit off his neck in front of her. The only light in her life was gone. She had enough.
The night after her brother died she left her home and flew for days without any food.

   She remembered the words of her mother and never looked at her reflection again.
When she had flown for days and had grown weary, she crash landed into a pasture, then passed out. She woke up. In a strange cave with three dragons. They looked tough, powerful, and strong, but they were really gentle. They took care of her for years. They even changed her name to Crystal.

  One day, when "Crystal" came back to the cave, she saw the three dragons lying on the floor about to die.

  "Crystal," one of them said." We are going to die now. We place the power of the jewel in your hands. Go and fulfill destiny."

Then they died.

  Just when they died she felt her self being pulled into a jewel and she stayed there for a long time, until Summer took the jewel out of the cave.

    When she had been in the jewel for a while, she realized that those three dragons were the dragons from the legend and their souls had been poured into the jewel, and since she was in the jewel, she gained their souls. Now that she had their souls, she had their characteristics as well.
Strength, boldness, and all that.  

  When she got pulled out of her flashback she saw Aggro standing beside her.

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