Chapter 20

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You have all rights to attack me in the comment cause of their ship names.

"Ugh, come on Dak!" Winger complained already having the object on. "We already agreed to never doing this again!"
"Stop being such a baby Wing! It won't kill you. I think."
"You think? YOU THINK!? I'm already dead on the inside even putting this on!". Dak stepped out of the cave dragging Winger to the exit. He was holding strong vines in his right hand, and homey in his left.

The other dragons looked to the entrance to see why they were there.

"I my friends," Dak said proudly "am going to lasso Winger."

"Ewww." Summer remarked. "Vines all over your scales? Dak, didn't we agree to never do this again?"

"Y'know I told him that." Winger paced, shaking his snout.

"But it's the only way!"

"Really Dak? Cause I can think of 40 other ways to get Winger to other then this" Cutter stepped in with his attitude. "By the way, what's the honey for?"

"Oh that? That's because I wanted to look smart."

"And how exactly does that make you look smart?"

"Shh!" Leyla whispered to Cutter. "That's just to proof that his IQ is the size of a slugs."

"No but Dak, are you actually gonna tie me with...vines? How are vines going to help anyways?"

"Well since you asked," Dak started with a grim look on his face. "I'm not only tying it to you you. I'm tying it to another dragon too, so just like with Burple, one wing can be your left and the other dragon's wing your right."

"I bet he thought he sounded really smart just now." Cutter said to Aggro, who was snickering at the thought.


No one answered within the cave or without. You could even see the animals hide.

Summer being the kind dragon she is, said "I'll do it." It even seemed as if she chocked out the words.

"When do we leave?" Burple asked.
I'm getting bored of this cave." Then he got down to the floor and whispered "No offense cave."

"We leave right after I wrap Winger and Summer together."

While Winger and Summer were being wrapped, Crystal came to Winger to check out the vine. Cutter took a quick glance at them, then walked up to Aggro and Leyla and whispered "Hey, quick question, Who  do you ship more: Cryster or Summinger?"

"Ooo! Me me me! I ship Cryster! They're just TOO cute!" Cute with her wings fluttering in excitement.
"What about you Ley?"

"Hmm...ask me when this is over. Then I'll decide. Cutter?"

"Sorry guys, but I'm loyal to Summinger" Cutter replied, stamping his foot.

"Cryster is gonna sail."

"No! Summinger!"


"Wanna go?"

"Alright. If your ship sails, You can dare me to do one thing. If I lose, its the other way around. Bet?"

I heard Burple calling us.
"Hey guys! The vines are ready! Let's go!"


Stay healthy, stay sweet, and...


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