Q, A and Tags!

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Okay so I said I would a Q and A soooo, here's a Q and A!

1. "How did you get into writing and Wattpad?" -TheLeafWing

Okay so, I would always think of really good stories but never wrote them down so I put it in my memo. One day, I visited my cousin's house and she was writing a book, and a good one at that. The same happened with my other family members. Then, when I wrote reports at school my teacher and parents would always congratulate me, although I never really saw anything exceptional about them. So I got a notebook and pen and started writing and realized inliked what I wrote! Thus my love for writing began.
How I found Wattpad is I was searching for talenny. And I saw some can art but underneath it said wattpad so then my brain's like "hey! Even though you don't know this website and it could be dangerous, click it!" So I'm like "okay!" And things escalated from there. Honestly, it was very relieving to find a place go write where no one would judge me.

2. "What got you into watching and liking Rescue Riders?" -D394222

My stomach was hurting (girl reasons) so my mom told me lie down on the couch. After lying down she put on a random Netflix show. Obviously, it was called "Rescue Riders". I liked it from the beginning. The whole concept of the show intrigued me. My older sister and I liked it but my younger sibling was itching to find an excuse to walk away (you'd expect it to be the opposite-). Later, my little sis realised liked the show and was soooo annoyed with her self and honestly, so was I. And now, my mom won't hear the end of it #backfired!😂😂😂

Now for the tags! Thank you to
MiraculousJessica for tagging me!

1. "Who are your friends?"

Hmmm....I don't really have friends right now because I'm being home schooled. The only "friends" I have are our cousins because since some of our periods are on a laptop, it gives my sisters and I use that opportunity to sneak some roblox chats here and there. Although there are a couple of my cousins that I'm close to in particular and it works out because most of them know eachother. There is also the daughters and sons of my moms friend from University. If they count than I guess...

2. "What do you like to do with your friends?"

I don't exactly have "friends" but if my cousins count then, ALL of my cousins watch miraculous, but two of them are the closest to us so we love to rant about one episode for hours and if we do, we WILL find every single plot hole there is. We'll make cracks about miraculous and pause at the worst scenes and laugh about them for so long. One of them has a dog so whenever we plan a sleepover with her, we play with her dog, and lastly, we love to vibe to our fav songs.

3. "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

I'm not fully sure yet, but I do want to be A mineralogist, or a archeologist, or a paleontologist or a astronomers, but then again, I would love to be a fashion designer or a video game designer. But I could also be an artist. Whatever I do, I want to be able to write as a side job. The world has so much to choose from...

4. "Are you going to get married?"

Umm...should I be worried about that yet...?
Yeah, probably...

5. "How many kids are you going to have?"

If I do have kids, I want to have at least three to carry on the family tradition. Like, almost everyone in my extended family has two or three.

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