Chapter 8

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"According to The jewel, you have two weeks to get to know me" said Crystal
"After that, time starts ticking..."

Days past and they became well acquainted with her. That night Winger couldn't sleep.
He flew over to his happy place to quiet his thoughts. He landed, relaxed, and stared at the beautiful,smooth, moonlit water.


  Back at the roost, Crystal couldn't sleep either. She left for a joyride. She could feel the cool breeze under her wings.
The moon was shining and the stars were twinkling. The noises of the crashing waves soothed her body. She came across and island and decided to land.
She saw a dragon but the light of the moon made it hard to see.

After a while she realised that dragon was Winger.
He never noticed her yet, but as he looked to the moon, his eyes looked so dazzling.

"I never realised how handsome you are until now." She said by accident.

"shoot! That wasn't supposed to come out!" She thought.

Winger turned to see who said that.

It was Crystal.

"Thanks...!" He said as he walked up to her. "I didn't know you come here too." He turned to look at the moon again. "The moon is spectacular tonight." she said, looking at the moon as well. "Yeah... I know" he said as he turned to her again.

He stared at her in awe of her beauty.

"You're beautiful."

He was right. Her glitter sparkled in the a moonlight as she looked to the sky.

"Thank you" she replied. looking at him again.

"No, seriously. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Take it from the handsome guy." He said snickering.

"He had to bring that up? That's so embarrassing!" She thought

She paced up and down the island.

"But are you sure? I, I don't...think......" Her voice trailed off.
"You don't believe me?"he asked.

"Well, I umm....I don't know..."

"Do you need proof?" He answered.

"I guess a little."

He took her to the water. "What do you see?"

She widened her eyes.

"I-I-I- I didn't- I'm" she exclaimed.

"Beautiful" he finished with a smile.

She looked into his eyes and He looked into her's.

They gazed into each other's eyes for a while, and got closer, and closer.


Summer woke up. She saw that
Winger wasn't there. She flew around looking for him.

"He isn't here, but I know where he might be!" She thought.
She flew over to Moonlight Island to where Winger and Crystal were. When she got there, she saw something that made her want to annihilate Crystal.

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