Chapter 3

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"Hey everyone, we're back!"
When they turned to see who it was, they saw Dak and Winger. They were back from their joyride. Winger saw everyone huddled around Summer.

"Hey, what's going on?" He said as he raised an eyebrow.

"Well," Summer said clearly annoyed, "I was ABOUT to tell everyone before I got disturbed.AGAIN."

"Sorry" He said as he did a guilty smile. Winger had always liked Summer a little, but all she did to return his affection was be slightly more rude to him than the others.

"Anyways, as I was going to tell you before I was disturbed" she glanced at Cutter and Winger (who were now lying on the ground).
"I was swimming in the ocean when I found an underwater cave. I entered the cave and saw a purple-ish sort of glow coming from this." She let go of the item. Everyone stared at it in confusion trying to figure out what it was, except for Leyla. Instead of staring, Leyla gasped.

"Anistasia's jewel!" She yelled in excitement.

"Anistasia's fish sounds better to me." complained Cutter. "I'm starving!"

"Okay, since you guys are probably all hungry , I'll tell you the Legend at breakfast."

When they were eating breakfast, Leyla grabbed her dragon diary, land and turned to the section titled "LEGENDS".

"Aha!" She exclaimed. "here it is,
Anistasia's jewel."

Leyla took a deep breath and started to read.

Anastasia's Jewel Where stories live. Discover now