Chapter 5

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First, I wanna say I reached 16 views! I posted some chapters overnight, woke up and was very surprised! Thank you to all who read this book!

When Summer got comfortable, Dak was really mad. He started saying things like 'really?!' Or,
'I cant believe you Summer!'

"I'm sorry Dak, but could you give me some context? I don't know what your talking about."

He started to calm down a little then he started to talk. "Let's get straight to the point." He said. "Why have you been rude to Winger lately?"

"Winger?" She responded, feeling her cheeks getting hot. "I don't know what your talking about."
"Summer, are you trying to make me mad?" He said trying not to yell. "If so, good job I'm already mad. Like, really mad, and I'm trying not to yell!" Dak trying to control himself looked like a person trying to poop when they're constipated.

"Alright, fine...I'll tell you."

"I really, really like Winger. I mean, I REALLY, REALLY LOVE Winger. Who wouldn't? He's so amazing, charming, handsome, powerful, strong, fast, cute, kind, responsible, and a born leader. His eyes are soo dreamy, and-"

"Yeah, yeah, i get it he's awesome," Dak said, cutting her off.

Summer was kind-of embarrassed.

Dak looked a little confused and surprised, but it wasn't a 'good surprised' face. "But if you really, really love Winger," he continued, "why don't you show him any love!?!" He said finally bursting into tears.

"Winger has been looking super depressed because of you and it's heartbreaking!" He doesn't want to fly, sleep, or eat. I had to force him to eat this morning and take a joyride!"

"My problem is I either show no love, or TOO much love. I even get addicted"! She replied crying. "It's a curse!"

"Well you better act fast." He said. "He might get angry and not talk to you. You DO NOT wanna know how he acts when he's mad at someone.
He won't go near them, talk to them, look at them, or even think about them!" He started to cry even more remembering when Winger was mad at him.

"I...i..didn't.....thanks for telling me Dak."

"No problem." They hugged, wiped their tears, and left the roost.


Later on that night, Winger couldn't sleep.
He tried and tried, but he had no luck.
He started to fly off to his happy place, the only place he felt true peace. It was an island about twenty minutes away from Huttsgalore. When he got there, he just stared at the water. It was shimmering in the moonlight.

Summer, never getting a chance to talk to Winger, couldn't sleep either.
When she saw Winger leaving, she followed him to the island. It was truly beautiful. She sat next to him without him even noticing her.

"Wow this island is beautiful." He said
"I know" Summer replied

"Ahhh!" He yelped as he sharply turned his head "'"
He said facing forwards again.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt this way."

He didn't respond. Instead he snarled.

"Please Winger!" She started to plead because she knew what was happening. Winger was getting angry.

After a while he finally looked her way, but before he could say anything, she kissed him on the cheek.

Winger's eyes grew wide. His face turned little red, and his tail started tingling in surprise.
When she pulled away, he finally said something.

(Okay he didn't exactly say something, but it's better than nothing)

"I'm sorry" they both said at the same
"No, I'm sorry!" They both said again. There was a silence, but after a couple of seconds, they both burst in to laughter. Then, Summer said "No, you go first!"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry for ignoring you." He started. "I didn't want to be mad at you but I can't really control my anger, but I promise to work on it if you don't do that....again. The feeling of someone you lo- i mean, close to you being rude" His voice trailed off and he looked down at his talons.

"I should be the one to say sorry" said Summer. "I was the one that caused all of this"

There was a short silence.

Winger seemed to have something on his mind.
"What's up?" Summer asked him.
He didn't answer at first but after a couple of seconds, he got closer to her face, looked her directly in the eye, smirked and said "About the kiss..."

"Darn it! I thought he forgot about that!" She thought.

He started walking around her slowly.

"Oh, umm..." She replied, feeling very uncomfortable (who wouldn't?).

He was still walking around her, " I'm waiting~"

Then he got really close to her face and stared her down till she answered
"It's because, I-uh..." She closed her eyes tightly and said, "I lo-"

Before she could finish she saw Huttsgalore being attacked by a dragon. A seemingly fierce one too.

"Winger, look!" He turned to see what she was looking at.

"Uh oh."

Uh oh was right. They spread their wings and flew as fast as they could towards the roost.
The moment they got in the roost they tried to wake everyone else up, but to no avail, so Winger shot a power blast at the ground. Everyone jumped out of their skin.

Before Cutter could start insulting him for waking him up, Burple yelled "Guys, I hear something coming from the Huttsgalore!" They all ran out of the roost and had the same reaction you would if your dog ate your homework.

"Uh oh."

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