Chapter 6

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"Rescue riders, let's go!" Said Dak as he jumped on Winger's saddle and strated to fly. When they reached Huttsgalore, they saw the dragon attacking Huttsgalore. She looked just like Winger, but she had extra horns. She had aqua eyes, she was  galaxy and had a white underbelly.

 She had aqua eyes, she was  galaxy and had a white underbelly

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"Wait..." Said Burple. "We didn't even think this through. We rescue dragons, not fight them!"

He had a point. They only fought dragons when they were rescuing them, so they didn't really know what to do.

"Well, there's a first for everything!" Said Layla smiling nervously.

"I'm so gonna CRUSH this dragon!" Aggro yelled in anger. "FEEL THE HEAT!" She shot  the biggest fire ball she's ever done at the dragon.

The dragon roared in pain as she blasted a power blast at them. Winger countered her power blast with his power blast and it came hurtling right back at the dragon.

"Arg!" She screamed in pain again.

Winger shot one more power blast at her. Then, she crashed to the ground.


Crystal's POV:

I woke up in a soft hay bed surrounded by dragons. A small red one, a shiny one with spikes, a big purple one, and an aqua water dragon.

A human girl walked over to me.

"Dak! She woke up" Leyla whispered.

There was also a human boy coming to me.

I got up, ready to fire a power blast at them, when the human boy started talking to me saying:

"Stop! We're not going to hurt you."

"You can understand me?!" I said as I relaxed a bit.

"It's a long story..." Leyla replied.
"but besides that, why were you attacking our village?"

"Oh, sorry, I was just trying to find someone...but they're probably not here" I said.

"I hope you find them, but in the meantime, you're welcome to stay with us as long as you want to." Said Burple.
"Thanks!" I replied. When I got up, I saw a dragon, seemingly a swiftwing. "Who's he?" I asked still looking at him.
"Oh that's Winger, my best friend! "Speaking of Winger..." said Cutter.

Cutter walked over to Winger and poked him with his spikes.

The blue dragon's eyes opened. He stretched and got up.
"Cut it out." He said to Cutter who was now giggling in the corner.

His gaze shifted to me. I have to admit, he was a good looking dragon. You don't find dragons like that nowadays.
he stared at me for a bit.
"Who's this?" He asked looking at Leyla now.
"Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't even ask for your name!" Leyla said.

"I'm Crystal." What's your names?

Leyla pointed to all the dragons and told me their names.
"Lastly, I'm Leyla, and he's my twin brother, Dak."

Third person

"Nice to meet yo-" Crystal's gaze shifted to the jewel on the floor. She gasped in surprise.

"Who found this Jewel?"

"I did." Replied Summer." But we have to put it ba-"

"DON'T!" Crystal yelled.

"Why not...?" Summer said in confusion.

"I'm the dragon in the legend of Anistasia's jewel."

Anastasia's Jewel Where stories live. Discover now