Chapter 18

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We all turned to face the cobra. It was truly a sight to see. It had aqua marine scales that faded into purple, its eyes were emerald green. It had long dagger-sharp teeth and it was enormous.

It made a dash for Summer but She dodged and water blasted it. It backed away from Summer and headed for Burple. He spewed his rocks at it with all of his might.
The cobra hissed in pain as it stopped to recover.
After, it tried to bite Dak bit missed him by an inch. The cobra wacked Winger with its gigantic tail while he was still looking at Dak, then it bit his leg and wings. He roared in pain then fell to the ground. The cobra dashed straight for Aggro while she wasn't looking, but Cutter stepped in front and said:

"Don't. Touch. Aggro. You can kill Summer for all I care, but you DO NOT touch my best friend!"

Then he shot it with his spikes and it fell to the ground.

When the fight was over, everyone huddled around Winger except Aggro. While Cutter was walking towards him, Aggro yelled "Wait!". He stopped walking and turned around.

"What's up?"


"You uh you?"

"I....thanks Cutter for what you did back there. It was very sweet."

"Oh....No problem. What are friends for?"

"Yeah...let's go see Winger."

He nodded his head and they walked towards Winger.


Everyone stared at Winger in horror.
Streams of tears were running down Dak's face.

"Is he going to be okay?" Asked Crystal, as tears started to fall on her face as well

"I think so " Dak said, faking a smile.
"He's a tough guy"

"But what if..."

"Don't even say it." Dak added sharply.

They put Winger at the back of the cave and were about to fall asleep, when Leyla said something.

"Hey guys, wait"

"Okay, what is it now?!" Cutter said, clearly annoyed, considering the fact that it was past midnight.

"Look at that cobra. Does it look remotely close to a normal one? It has aqua and purple, is eyes are green and its enormous!"

She had a point. A 'normal' cobra would have been yellow, black, red, or mottled. Why was this one aqua? Normally, snakes would have black eyes, but this one didn't.

"She has a point." Dak said.

Dak and Leyla walked over to the Beast.

"Hey look! There's something on its tail!" Dak shouted.

Now the rest of them got up and looked at the tail.

"It's some sort of engraving." Leyla said as she walked over to the tail. She kneeled down and studied it carefully.

"It looks awfully familiar..." Crystal said, deep in thought.

The engraving looked like this:



"We look into it tomorrow. For now let's sleep."

"those are the most sensible words I've heard all day!"

"Goodnight everyone!"

Its been three weeks since they first left, and on that starry night, the first full moon passed.

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