Chapter 27

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"T-the moved pages!"

Summer and I dash over to Leyla and examine the page the symbol moved to. The blank.

All of this is so weird! A page moving symbol? A dragon legend? Summer being apart of the legend? A freaking glass sea stack? My symbol? My being in mystery class? Crystal's symbol? Summer's symbol? My 'lie detector eyes aren't working? Even the heavy aura and tension of those two. What is all this really about? I feel like we are missing a big chunk of information here. There's To many questions and not enough answers.

"It didn't move to a page with a different prophecy....or legend. It doesn't make sense!" she yells in frustration. She whips her head around to Summer's direction. "If you're not in the legend, then why was your mark there?"

"It moved, remember?" Summer replies.

"Yeah, but it didn't move before...before you came!"

"Excuse me? What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that you, somehow moved the symbol yourself!"

"I did not!" she objects stamping her foot on the ground.

Sigh. How do I always get myself into situations like this?

"Hey, um, guys?"

It seemed to get their attention, considering the fact that they stopped yelling. "What?!?!?!"

"S-since you guys are f-fighting, can I g-go?" I carefully ask.
Why 'carefully' you say? Well, everyone knows that you DO NOT disturb Summer and Leyla when they're arguing. You are literally digging your own grave, then burying yourself in it. Literally.

"NO! You're smart, right? You need to stay here and help me!" Leyla demands.

"I won't even be able to do anythi- you know what? Fine."


I sit on the surface of the sea stack, watching Leyla accuse Summer and Summer denying it for...hmm...twenty, maybe twenty-five minutes? I'm not even doing anything useful-because I can't. I can't tell if Summer's lying or not because my ability us acting funny.

You know what? I don't need my ability to be useful. I gather up all of my courage and interrupt them.

"You know what? I'll help you guys." I say getting up. "What exactly are you fighting about?"

It goes silent as they slowly turn their heads towards me. I wince. They can be pretty scary.

"I thought you knew...?" Summer replies. As she speaks I can hear her using all the power left in her to keep her cool.

Phew. I'm still alive.

"You're right, I do know what you're fighting about, but I need to know the core of this argument. You guys keep straying into things like 'Oh, YoU wErE LyInG tO mE,' and 'Oh, YoU WERE KeEpInG sEcReTs FrOm Me!"

I can see Summer breaking into a small smile as she snickers at me mocking them, though it quickly fades away because of Leyla's intervention.

"We are fighting because the diary CLEARLY had her symbol in it- until she did something to suddenly make in shift pages-"

"I didn't do anything."

"Yes you did!"

"Quiet, let me think!" I roar, silencing the two.

It's true...strange things have been happening ever since this started, but nothing like this! Seriously though? A moving symbol? Ink doesn't just wake up one day and decide to move pages. I don't work like that! My only question is...why? Why did it move pages?

"Summer, you moved that symbol, didn't you?" I take a small step towards her while she looks me dead in the eye and responds, "I. Did. Not."

"I know you did. I don't need special powers to know that. Interested in knowing why?" I gave her a sly smirk.

She isn't responding. Instead, she tilts her head.

"Summer," I start, "if it wasn't you, why were you so calm in the beginning of the argument, as if you knew you were going to win it? Normally if someone accuses another, the first thing they say is 'What?' or 'What? I didn't do that!'. Basically what I'm trying to say is an innocent person would immediately get didn't."

She falls silent for a moment, then she responds. "How can you say I'm guilty from only that much knowledge?"

"Hmm...good point. Summer, Leyla, I want you both to tell me PRECISELY what happened-do not leave anything out, fron the tone of voice, to exactly how they said what they did. Leyla, you go first."


Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter was a wee bit short, but the next one will make up for it! I wanted to say that to those of you that don't know, when this book is over, its going to go through a thorough editing and re-writing. Also, sorry to my RR fans, but this book was to practice my writing. I've noticed my mistakes and want to fix them. (actually, I looked back on the older chapters and cringed...) After, this book, I want to become an author, because I aspire to be a mineralogist, paleontologist, or archeologist with a side job as an author. Sorry, pleasedonthateme....

ee ya! I hope you enjoy my other books!

Stay healthy, stay sweet, and..


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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