Chapter 2

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Summer peered into the cave and saw something. "Wow!" She said, forgetting she wasn't talking to anyone."This is AMAZING!"
"Amazing" was an understatement. it was spectacular, magnificent, and bright! She didn't quite know what it was, but whatever it was, it gave her a weird feeling.

Since she couldn't grab it off of the rock it was on, Summer blasted water at it, causing it to fall. As it was falling. She grabbed it with her talons and started swimming out of the underwater cave. "I have to tell everyone about this." She thought.

The moment she was outside the cave, it started glowing. It started out dull but by the time she was out of the water and in the air, it started to glow so intensely that she couldn't see anything.

the light grew bigger and since she couldn't see anything, she accidently dropped it. She dropped the weird item."Oh my Nightfury!" She yelled as she dove down and caught it just in time before it hit the ground. Then, it suddenly stopped glowing. Summer, being confused on why it stopped glowing raised an eyebrow, but she just kept on flying.

Summer let out a sigh of relief as she caught the mysterious object. In the distance, she could see a sturdy, narrow building.
"Finally! The roost!"
She flew faster and faster to her beloved home. She landed, took a breath, and pushed the door open.


A couple of minutes after Dak and Winger left for their joyride, Leyla noticed that Summer wasn't in the sleeping cave. she searched everywhere but still couldn't find her.
Leyla woke everyone else up - Aggro, Cutter, and Burple.

"Get up guys!"  Yelled Leyla in a worried tone.

"I'll get up if you sharpen my spikes....." Mumbled Cutter as he drifted off to sleep.
  "Wait Cutter, I think she's serious." Aggro said as she got up."What's wrong Ley?

Fighting tears, she exclaimed,
"Summer's gone!"

Summer pushed the door open. To her surprise, she saw Leyla looking scared and Aggro looking worried. Concerned, she said "What's wro-" before she could finnish, Leyla wrapped her arms around her best friend.

"Where were you?" Leyla said in a more calm tone

"I was in a cave, but that's not important right no--"

She was interrupted by Cutter's uncontrollable snoring.
"Oh, for the love of Thor, can someone please wake him up?!"

There was a long pause.

"Oh fine, I'll wake him up." Sighed Aggro as she broke the silence.
The little firefury walked up to Cutter, leaned in his ear, and yelled, "Ah! An eel!".
Cutter sprang up from his hay bed and shouted " Where!?!"

"I don't know" said Aggro, trying not to laugh.

"Of course you don't" he sighed as he started to understand what was going on.

"But, what was soooo important that you had to wake me up?"
    "Oh right!" Summer exclaimed.
"I have something to show you guys."

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