Thou shall not ruin King Zayn's hair!

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It's been about a week since we had arrived at the hotel. We have been sitting in the hotel room for a few hours watching movies. Right now we were watching One Direction Live Tour.... Niall's idea. I was laying on the couch my legs on Liam lap, and my head on Louis lap as he messed with my bangs. Kayla was sitting on the floor in front on Zayn and he was messing with her hair. 'Oh wow she letting him touch her hair'. She rarely let's anyone touch her hair though, I am one of those people. Kaylee was having a poke war with Harry on the floor it looked pretty intense, And Liam and Niall were sitting on the couch playing rock paper scissors.

I got up, and  walked into the kitchen to see the walmart bags we bought earlier carrying like eight Nerf swords. I grabbed a Nerf sword. And smiled evilly as i grabbed a apple, This shall be my bomb.

I walked into the living room swinging the plastic/ foam sword around carelessly, I threw the apple into the living room " fire in the hole " I screamed ducking behind the couch. I heard Zayn let out a groan and then a girlie scream erupted from his mouth as he realized it messed up his hair.

I looked up and pointed my sword at them. " thou shall not worry I come in peace King Zayn.."  

 " You comith into our kingdom and ruin our King's hair and expect us to let you live?" Harry said shaking his hair and standing up giving me a fake glare.

Kayla stood up as well. " and you expect us to believe you come in peace.?" Someone I believe it was Liam had grabbed the bag of Nerf sword and brought it into the room.Harry grabbed a sword, and so did everyone.  

 " Your crime of messing up thy King's hair is punishable by death. " Harry said pointing the sword at me and moving forward.

Louis stood up in front of me "you dare threaten thy Queen in front of me you curly haired peasant "

Kaylee stood in front of him "my dear sir fights for the King of Perfect Hairington" she said fake glaring at Lou as she twirled her hair for emphasis.

" Your dear sir has threatened thy queen, and my mother " Niall said. I held back a laugh as I hugged Niall

" Thank you dear son" I tolled him he nodded in weird respectful way, then stood in front of me beside Louis.

" I will fight till thy death for my Queen's life" Liam said

" As will I " Louis said pointing his sword at the opposing group.

 I looked toward Zayn " you sir we will have our war in 20 minutes third floor hallway"

Zayn nodded,  "Of course, we will see you there."

I nodded and walked to Kay's, Kayla's and my room. I sat on the chair in there, Louis sat beside me messing with his sword " What I if we loose my Queen?"

I looked at him " then we are punishable by death" I said giving him a fake serious look you could tell Niall was ready to start laughing. He really cant handle us being to serious.

Niall stood up " come on let's practice" I stood up and aimed my sword at him he blocked it and we all began to practice.

* 17 minutes later*

Niall, Liam, Louis, and I, were on our way in the elevator to the third floor I had grabbed some more apples... But Niall has been eating the apple so I only have two apple and two cores left. When we reach the correct floor we all step out to see the King of Perfect Hairington and his followers.

" You sir are going down" I declared and slashed my sword towards him as we stepped out of the elevator.

Kayla stepped forward " I declare this war started on the first to step forward"

We all stared at each other then ran at one another screaming different things.  

I heard Kayla yell something about unicorns and Niall was yelling about food. Suddenly a door between us opened. We all froze as an old lady walked out to see us on both sides of the door our swords raised swords, and  we were frozen in place as she shook her head and walked back inside muttering about how the youth these days are absolutely immature. Meany, she just doesn't know how to have fun. She's going to die old, alone, and with a million cats... she's already old.

The minute she shut her door, we charged at each other once again my sword clashed with Harry's head to have him fall on his back saying he had died. I saw nail had taken down Kayla but had been hit by Zayn. Then Liam and Louis tried to get Kaylee but had been taken down, still successfully killing her. I stood still staring at Zayn as our friends lay talking and playing dead around us.

"Thy King Zayn what shall we do now," I asked my sword pointed at him, " all of our followers have died.

" Queen Kat who has ruined my hair and challenged our kingdom, we shall go eat the ice cream." he said smiling and lowering his sword.

I smiled and nodded, so he turned his back on me to make his way to the elevator. I took my chance and hit him in the back with my sword. He turned around giving me a shocked look, as he realized he had just lost by giving me a chance to hit him, because I deceived him with my lies. Insert evil smiley face.

" I have won." I yelled jumping up and down.

Kayla shook her head, sitting up, " That was a cheap shot."

I smiled " Nope, all good Kings and Queens know that you should never turn your back on your opponent even after they agreed to ice cream." Everyone on my team stood up and cheered. But Zayn team looked defeated.

" That's right everyone don't challenged my kingdom, we kick ass!!" I yelled down the hall way as another old lady came out and gave us an odd look.

" Y'all hooligans stop the cussing and go back to your room!" she yelled the slammed her door shut.

" Wow, what is up with all the old lady's in this hallway being cranky?" Lou said under his breath.

Everyone laughed as we stood up and made our way back to the room. We then ate ice-cream and got ready for bed.

AUTHERS NOTE ~~~~~~~ hey guys it's Katie I'm fabulous and have been editing all my chapters. ( boss ass bitch emoji ) Any way I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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