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I glared at the boy across from me as he ordered his dinner. If looks could kill he would be buried 6ft under by now. How dare he ignore me for three days and then pay my best friend to trick me into going on a date with him. Who the hell does he think he is? Louis sent me a grin after he whispered dirty secrets to the waitress who nodded and walked off. " I was told I would be eating with Kays tonight. " I informed him aggressively.

Louis nodded " Yea I asked Kaylee to do that because I knew you would be mad at me and would refuse to come to dinner with me. " He grinned like he had won a Grammy. I’m going to kill him, Its official I’m going to take him out while he’s sleeping and bury him in the huge garden that me Kaylee and Kayla planted when I moved into the  house  louis and I share.  Then when people ask what happened to him I’m going to tell them that he ran away with a street hooker who had disease that he caught and was afraid to tell me so he ran away
My eye twitched. " I wonder why I could be so mad Louis, it couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that my boyfriend has been avoiding me like I have a biblical plague. " I all but growled. I really saw him twice in the last two days, he dint even come home to sleep.

He winced at the tone of voice I was using. Good I hope I petrified him like the snake di to Hermione in harry potter. The only reason I hadn’t left was because I was starving, Kaylee hadn’t fed me in two hours. " I’m Sorry Kat I’m going to make it up to you. " He told me, I rolled my eyes  and took a sip of my wine.
I jumped about a foot in the air as I heard my phone vibrate on the table, Glaring at louis as I realized who was calling I picked it up and placed it against my ear, " What Michaela?” I snapped using Kaylee’s full name .

" Kat I  need your help" I heard through the phone at a whisper.

" Well I’m not into helping traitors" I snapped grumpily leaning back in the chair so I cold pout childishly.

" Kat this is serious someone’s in your house? " She whispered. " I came over so I could pick up some sheet music for harry , but the lights are on and I can see someone moving thought your house" She mumbled
" Okay its probably one of the boys " I say trying to brush it off.

" Its not I would have recognized their car but there isn’t one " She mumbled
" Alright I’m coming" I tell her jumping up louis gave me a curious look. " Some ones in he house and kays doesn’t know who. " I answered heading to the door, As we passed the waitress I noticed she  really didn’t seem all that worried that we were leaving in the middle of our meal.  I got into my car watching louis jump into his before  tore out the parking lo speeding home.

When I pulled into the driveway if pulled next to Kaylee and cut off my lights. I climbed out  of the car and quietly shut my door before sneaking over to Kaylee. " What room is he in " I ask pulling my Taser from my back pocket I had learned quickly reporter back off pretty quick when you threaten to tase them, especially when you’ve done it at least once.

" You bedroom , " She whispered looking scared . " Kat you should wait o the police . " She whispered when she saw me making my way foreword.
I was going to abide by her request until if heard a yelp from Rue , " Oh hell no " I said running forward and quietly entering the house. " I swear to go if anyone hurt my dog I will kill them" I mumbled to myself as if walked around my Taser held out in front of my. I watched as a car pulled up and stopped, probably louis. I walked through the house I hear footsteps upstairs before I saw Rue run down the stairs running to my side, I open the front door and ussure her out before continuing silently up the stairs my Taser ready. when I reached the top landing I noticed something weird there were roses on the ground leading to my room. What if he’s one o those ritualistic killers that surround you in flower petals. Not hearing any footsteps I turn my Taser on and continue through to my room but before I reached my door some grabbed me and dragged me into the room across from the bedroom which was a empty room that I stored stuff that had no place into. I had dropped my Taser in the hall so I began squirming to get free. " Let me go" I yelped as I heard the door shut. The lights were off so I couldn’t see anything. I sat on the ground and began yelling random things in hope to distract him . " My names is Katherine I’m 22 I have a wonderful boyfriend named louis who’d be very sad if I died today, if have two sisters and my mom is alone were al he has um if have a lot o friend who will avenge me" I rambled

I froze as I  heard Mr. Murderer Chuckle before the lights went on. There standing in front of me stood Harry Edward Styles a devious grin on his face. " Hey Kat how has you evening been?"

I went from scared to angry before standing up ready o take a swing at the curly haired freak. " I’m going to kill you " I threatened moving forward but when I do he turns me around and pushes me further into the room. I stumble for a moment before catching my footing and looking around. The normally bare room was decorated into  a timeline of some sorts. I heard the door open and close but I was too focused on the pictures one the wall, it looked like it started with the day me and louis met, I was laying on the couch cuddled up next to him. as he played him my hair. A  couple more of us on the tour bus, next was picture of  us at the zoo holding hands a smile on my face as I told louis about one o the animals, Next a picture of my and louis holding swords out in front of us as we stood next to each other.  Then one of when louis brought me to Europe and another of us covered in cake. I laughed, the next was when I left to go home the sad look on louis face as I  walked away to board my plane. after that was the night I came home me and Louis were asleep as we laid next to one another. the last few were of a few more o our adventures, like the zoo and when we went to universal studios and I had dressed up in complete wizard rope while louis wore jeans and a t-shirt.  The last picture looked like it was taken while we were at dinner and I was glaring angrily at louis as he smiled lovingly back .

I heard a cough and turned around to see louis kneeling on the ground a box with a ring inside sat in his hand. " Katherine Elizabeth Margaret Davis I Love you too the farthest star and back, I love everything about you like how you like to ramble when your nervous , Or how when someone hurts someone you care about you are ready to fight even if you cant even take on a mouse, I like how gentle you are and how wonderfully crazy you can be, I love that you cant eat asparagus with outs gagging. I'm so thankful I met you, you have been there to help me with whatever I ask even I it sounds crazy. I love you so much and I was hopping despite how angry you are with me that you would still do me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me. " He finished a hopeful look on his face 

I stared at the boy in utter disbelief before tears started to fall down my face. I wiped at them willing my self not to cry. " Really? " I asked hopeful he wasn’t joking. or that this was all a dream. The love of my life nodded smiling at me. I let out a small sob before launching my self into his arms causing him to fall back.

" Is tat a yes ? " he laughed out unable to form words I nodded vigorously. He chuckle and pushed me away slightly taking my hand in his he slid the simple ring onto my finger. I smiled brightly at him placing a soft kiss onto his lips.

" I was going to bury you in the garden " I confessed sweetly as if smiled at him.
Louis laughed. " I love you Katherine Davis " He said grinning

I  beamed up at him " I love you too Louis Tomlinson. "

I struggled to stand from the couch as I heard the doorbell ring. Waddling to the door I pulled it open smiling as kaylee and harry stood in front on my door step a tiny bundle wrapped in a dark green blanket sat in her arms grinning I scooped the tiny bundle rom her arms and walked away smiling down at the little boy in my arms. " Hello baby Alexander" I cooed at the little baby who seemed to be fighting the blanket his mother wrapped him in to save him from the cold. I unwrapped him from the blanket a I dropped down onto the couch. I sat the boy up onto my belly grinning at him. " Your friends will be here soon " I told him gaining a kick from my right side in agreement.

Kaylee laughed as she walked into the room Harry disappearing into to the kitchen, most likely to assist louis in the preparation of family dinner seeing as I had talked him into taking a break to make my latest odd craving  of fried bananas with guacamole dip." Your in a better mood then how you sounded on the phone an hour ago." She commented referring to how I called her sobbing uncontrollably because louis at first refused to make my request saying it was gross and he wasn’t going to let me feed our children that.

I nodded smiling at the baby " Yes because uncle louis made me food" I cooed Alex smiled at me.

" Your a weirdo " She complimented  making me grin at her

" Don’t judge you were just as bad. " I pointed out placing Alex into Kaylee’s arms when I hear the doorbell go off again. I wiggled my way up and waddled to the door again . pulling it open Zayn and Kayla stood in the door and I could see Niall and Liam coming up the driveway with Syd and Chey talking behind them Little James was sat upon Liam’s shoulder, The 1 year old tugging on his fathers hair little giggles escaping his mouth as Liam exaggerated his pain.  I let them all in giving the girls all hugs before turning around and jumping as Kayla stood behind me . She laughed and placed her hands onto my stomach.

" What do you got like two more days? " She asked and I nodded

" Yep two more days"  I agreed waddling my way towards the kitchen to where everyone was making their plate before making their way to the dining room. I waited till everyone was gone before I  began making my plate, I was pilin food on to my plate when the spoon slipped and a green bean fell into the gravy. I gasped and grabbed a spoon attempting to scoop the green ban out . I could feel tears in my eyes. Oh dear go I’m crying over a green bean I dropped the spoon and wiped furiously at my eyes. once satisfied I walked into the kitchen and sat down beside louis who glanced at me with a confused look.

" Kat my love why do you have gravy on your forehead? " He asked wiping it off .
I frowned at him " I dropped my green bean in the gravy " I grumbled as I shoved some food into my mouth . Mmmmm danm this was good.

Louis chuckled before turning back to his food, he knew by now not to question things in danger of making my hormones run loose and I start sobbing.  Everyone sat around eating there food joking about like old time. When dinner was over everyone slowly began to leave making there way home making promises wed do something once the baby’s were born. I waddle my way upstairs while louis cleaned up changing into my pjs I was a bout to crawl into bed when I felt water rushes out from between my legs soaking the floor. My stomach cramped causing me to sit down gasping in pain. " Louis!! " I shouted standing up and painfully waddling my way to the top o the stairs " Louis!!! " I shouted again
The love of my life appeared at the bottom of the stairs smiling at me innocently. " Is everything alright my love? " He asked

I shook my head no making my way down the stairs. " Nope I need you my love to make you way upstairs and grab our to-go bag and meet me in the car. Also I need to you to grab me a Carrot" I told He Patting his face before making my way around him. I grabbed my jacket of the hanger turning to see louis staring at me from the same spot . " Now louis before I kill you " I growled  out wincing as another contraction hit. I waddled out to the car and climbed in. I let out a shaky breath. as I rubbed my lower stomach. I watched louis run out the door slamming it behind him before climbing into the car and handing me a carrot. " I hate you " I growled out before crying out in pain. " I hate you so much " I cried.

He looked over at me as he began driving. " I Love you too baby " He reassured me as he rubbed my back. I whimpered this was the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life.
I squeezed the carrot in my hand as another contraction him. "How could you do this to me " I whimpered as I leaned over hoping if I curled up it would not hurt as bad.

" Last time I checked it was a team effort my love" He answered as he got onto the interstate towards the hospital.

I sat up long enough to punch him in the shoulder before returning to my positions another contraction hit " You need to call everyone" I ordered. Louis nodded and began sending a group text to let everyone know.

He pulled into emergency entrance and helped me onto a wheel chair as started crying. " Ill be right back " He said before getting into he car and going to park it. A contraction hit and I grabbed onto the arm rest louis ran down the parking lot and reached me pushing me into the hospital. they quickly checked us in and got us a room. After helping me change into a gown, louis helped me into the bed .

" Louis I don’t really hate you " I mumble squeezing my eyes shut. When I opened them a doctor was standing between my legs telling me to push. I shook my head a surge o fear went through me as I looked for louis, I grabbed his hand. " Louis I changed my mind I’m not ready, lets just go home and wait a week. " I spew
Louis chuckled " Its a little late we have to do this now. " He told me giving my hand a small squeeze and kissing my forehead. The Doctor looked at me nodding so I began to push.

Two hours later  held a little pink bundle in my arms. " Hello my sweet Graceland Amelia Tomlinson " I cooed looking up if smiled as I saw louis bouncing a blue bundle a smile on his face. " Bring me the boy " I teases holding out my other arm, louis complied setting him in my arms. " And hello to you Brendan Joseph Tomlinson. " I said softly, Louis smiled and kissed my head.
" I love you Kat, Graceland and Brandan" He said sweetly

" We love you too" I whispered, " Who would of though this all started because you kidnapped me in the woods while I was camping" I teased kissing him gently.


Here is the epilouge sorry if there is spots that dont make sense i wrote it in class.

kidnapped by them!!!!! Omg kill me now!!Where stories live. Discover now