WALMART... Uh no?

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We were about five minute from my sisters house. Everyone but Louis was asleep him and Kays had switched spots at the rest stop so now he's was sitting beside me in the passenger. I pulled into her drive way and told everyone to wait in the car. I went into the house mickey mouse clubhouse was blaring loudly. I walked in to see Harley's step dad passed out on the couch. Miranda must be at work. Oh god this man gives me the creeps.

I walked back out side to get backup seeing Louis I waved him towards me. He got out of the car and walked over to me " what do you need love. "

"Um.." I didn't want him to think I was a chicken " will you come in there with me" he nodded and didn't question  me, I guess he saw how uncomfortable I looked or something.

We both walked together into the house, to see Harley in her high chair crying. I ran towards her and picked her up. Jack ass guy cant take care of the baby he should leave.

I handed Harley to Louis who quickly calmed my niece down. it was absolutely sweet and adorable to watch. I grabbed her bags and walked toward the door Louis was ahead of me so I slammed the door. And heard a satisfying thump as he fell off the couch and hit the floor. I smiled and got in the car Lou had already put momo in the car seat. I began to drive off a smirk on my face. 

We had been driving for a few minutes, 4/5's of the boy-band and Kaylee were playing with Harley. "Katie can we stop at Walmart please? " Niall asked

" Yea can we please Kat " the other boys chorused

" No I don't wanna take Harley and have us mobbed by fans " I said looking at my favorite little girl in the back seat

" We won't I'll protect her and you I promise " Louis butted in sounding a little chivalrous. I frowned as I took the exit leading to Wal-Mart. I pulled into Wal-Mart parking lot, sighing loudly to signal my annoyance toward them all and all they do is laugh in response. I jumped out of the van and grabbed Harley and her diaper bag, then began walking toward Wal-Mart Louis came up behind me   " kaaaaaattttttieeeeeee" he said his voice cracking slightly

I sighed and turned around to see Louis wearing a beanie and glasses. If I didn't know it was him I would probably think it was so random weirdo who wears glasses inside. The other boys had on similar apparel.

" yes Louis" he smiled a sweet smile

" Can I hold Harley? Please?" he begged

I smiled at him " sure Lou. If she let's you "

He smiled and reached out to take her, she gave him a skeptical look but went anyway. Its then that I realized the others had left us in the parking lot. Louis grabbed my hand and pulled me into Wal-Mart " Louis stop I'm coming, I'm coming. " I said to him. He slowed down and continued to hold my hand. It's was making me nervous, but in a good way. I looked at Lou who was making faces at Moe and making her laugh.  It was cute I wonder if he would be good with our ki.... Wait what am I thinking this is probably a one time thing. I take my hand back just barley catching the sad look he gave me.

We found the other standing by the food they keep at the main entrance. "Well where are we going first" Liam said as he moved the cart that he probably got stuck pushing.

Kayla smiled " TO THE TOYS! " she yelled. And ran off Harry right behind her along with Liam and Zayn. Louis walking slowly behind them.

I laugh as I heard Harley start yelling "TWOYS!! TWOYS!!" in Louis arms bouncing and pointing after Kaylee and the boys. I started walking after them slightly sad about the whole Louis fiasco. I realized Zayn had stopped , and was waiting for me.

" You alright Kat?" he asked

"...Yea why wouldn't I be" I said trying to cover any evidence f sadness with a smile.

He smiled at me " what's wrong kit-Kat ... Is it Lou "

" fist of all kit-Kat?, -and second of all why would Louis be what's wrong" I asked

" Well first of all I happened to see the scared look that you had when Lou grabbed your hand and the sad look he gave you when you pulled away and the sheer guilty look you had "

I sighed feeling like I might cry " um I just.." I stopped tears about to flow out why am I crying over him. God I hate crying. " I just.. I'm scared Zayn. I don't want to fall for him and him break my heart I feel so confused." a single tear fell down my face.

Zayn hugged me. " shhhhh Kat it's okay" he hugged me then used my shoulders to move me in front of him so he can look me in the eyes " Kat listen its okay to be scared okay" I nodded " Louis would never hurt you like that okay.. Don't tell him I told you this but he like you a lot to but he's scared about the hate you might get" I nodded and ran my sleeve over my eyes feeling allot better

" Thanks Zayn" he smiled  

" Come on lets get to the toy isle. " I nodded and we headed to the toy isle.

Upon the time we the we reached them they had a cart full of a few baby toys for Harley and allot of Nerf stuff. O god. Louis smiled at me as he held Harley who had fallen asleep in his arms. Awe cute.

"LOVER!!" I herd someone yell I turned around to see Kayla my best friend and my fake lesbian lover when a creepy guy wont leave me alone.

" LOVER!!!" I yelled back. I ran towards her. I heared Louis ask Zayn something about me being lesbo in a sad tone. Only to be reassured that I am totally straight. I also heard Zayn say that he also hopes that she's straight too I laughed as I collided in a hug with Kayla.

"TWINEY" I heard Kaylee yell and run towards us. We all fell as Kaylee join the hug

Kayla smiled as she looked behind us " who are they" she asked I smirked and stood up and grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the boys. Zayn was staring at her it was sorta creepy.

" Well Kayla this is Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall, Harry, and Harley but you already know her. " I introduced smiling widely. The boys all nodded toward her waving and smiling saying a few polite hi's. Kayla face looked like she had heard these name before, and she has the countless number of time me and kaylee yelled about one drection to her.

Kayla continued to stare at him it wasn't till Zayn looked at her and said " hello love" did she finally put two and two together " Katherine Elizabeth Margret Davis!!" I looked toward her

"yea" I said smiling inocently

"please tell me you didn't kidnap one direction" she said worried  

"actually it was the other way around... But that docent matter mingle gummy bear!!"  I yelled laughing

Kaylee butted in and pushed Kayla towards the group " I can't hang I gotta go watch my new baby cousin how about at 6:00 Ill meet you at your house" she said

I nodded " bye love you see you soon" Kays said as she ran off.

*A few hours later*

I got a call from Miranda that we would have to take momo camping another day, so I brought her home and instead of going back to the tour bus we got a hotel for the night.

kidnapped by them!!!!! Omg kill me now!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora