Lets bake a cake!!!!!

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We were all sitting in the living room watching cartoons. The cartoon man, guy, thing was making a cake. which was slowly making me want to bake a cake. I looked at Louis  a bright, happy grin on my face," Louis can we bake a cake?"

I heard Kayla let out a loud, fake cough as a way to catch everyone's attention,  "Kat your not allowed to cook anything, you end up burning everything . You could probably even burn water." she says. Louis looked as though he would say no.

"Awe come on, please Lou?" I said begging, I really want to make a cake.

"No, sorry Kat." he said like he was trying to sound authoritative.  Okay desperate time calls for desperate measures, I began to poke him repeatedly.

"Please Louis, please. " I whined... if he doesn't give in with annoyance, I might need to try the seductive approach. NOT. Sorry if you thought Id try it I'm just not that kinda girl.

He looked at me "No means no Kat" he tolled me as he sat on the couch with the rest of the lads, Kays, and that evil giant, whose taken away any of my chances at baking a cake with her lies.

I sighed and sat beside him " Come on Louis please, you can help me make it... it will be fun" I nodded quickly probably looking like a crazy lady, but I don't care.

He sighed, then finally a smile broke out on the boys gorgeous face "Fine come on Kat" he said standing up and making his way to the kitchen. A grin made it way to my face.

"Yay!" I  cheered, and began to do a very seriously awesome happy dance. That must have looked very weird , because when i looked up i saw the scared, creeped  out, and amused  looks of my friends... well just my new one Kayla and Kays were used to this kinda stuff. I smiled and ran after Louis. I GET TO BAKE CAKE.... maybe this time I wont burn the house down, Because the country of England has granted me good luck. Well I hope it does. I walked over to the cabinet to try and grab all the stuff for the cake. Sadly I could not reach some of the stuff,  so I did the logical thing and climbed onto the counter.

"Kat what are you doing?"  Louis asked from behind me a I reached for the flour,  which happened to be the last ingredient I needed.

I smiled " Getting all the ingredients out," I said sitting on the counter and placing all the ingredient down beside me, "Louis can you help me down?" I asked him, as I swung my legs back and fourth. He smiled and grabbed my waist, lifting me up off the counter, and placing me on the ground. I looked up at him and smile. His hands still on my waist , he smiled back. I became lost in his bright blue eyes that seemed to swirl in million of different directions. I guess we hand'nt notices but our faces had moved closer and closer. I closed my eyes ready for our lips to meet. I could feel his hot breath on my face.

"Hey Kat! Louis! What time you think that cake will be done?" Niall yelled from the hallway. We quickly jumped apart a deep blush taking over my face. Niall walked in and looked at us as Louis grabbed the bowl and spoon. " oh you haven't even started yet, I'll come back later" he said  smirking as he turned and walked out.

Oh my gosh I almost kissed him. Louis pushed the bowl and mixing spoon towards me, then came to stand beside me. An awkward silence began to fill the room. He began to help me add everything to the bowl. and then took over the cooking all together.  He began to mix it as Kayla walked into the kitchen " You guys made way to much batter" she said shaking her head at us as she made her way to the fridge. I know how to fix that . I reached into the bowl and grabbed a handful of batter. I turned to see Kayla still looking in the fridge. The second she pulled out of the fridge, I threw the batter, it hit Kayla's arm with a smack then it fell to the floor.

I smirked evilly " Too much batter my ass." Louis began laughing, so to  even a score in my head, I grabbed a handful of batter and dropped it right on Louis' head.

"You did not just put cake batter in my hair" he growled

I smirked and crossed my arms looking at him " I did, so what are you gonna do about it" Kayla was still by the fridge, trying to get the cake batter out of her hair from when it slapped her shoulder and spread everywhere.

Louis took a step closer to me, so I was leaning against the counter trapped between the counter, and him, he then dumped cake batter on MY head. It slowly dripped down my face. "I will do this." he said a evil smirk on his cake covered face.

" Oh your on Tomlinson." I told him glaring slightly. I slid my hand behind my back and grabbed a hand full of a unknown sticky substance. I went to throw it at him, but he ducked and it splatter on the rest of the guys and Kaylee, who, no idea when, had entered the battle zone, it caused them to either laugh, or yell curse words

"What the heck Kat! " Kays screamed as she walked in  further, the others behind her.

" We made to much so... " I carelessly threw some and it landed on Harry's head. Me and Louis were now laughing hysterically as Harry made the oddest facial expression imaginable.

Harry reached down and grabbed a hand full of batter off the floor and threw at us, it landed smack dab on Louis face, and that was the beginning of our cake war. It had gotten pretty bad and let me tell you cake batter hurts sometime if thrown hard enough, and everyone was laughing and/or yelling.

Suddenly Niall walked in, I wonder wheres hes been all this time, everyone was pretty much covered  head to toe in cake batter " Oh my gosh you guys have wasted it all!" he yelled. We all froze in place, staring at the Irish lad.

I laughed and sat on the ground, it was covered in cake batter and really slippery " I'm getting in the shower" Kayla announced and made her way to her bag of clothes, and ran into the bathroom. I looked at the clock to see it was around 8:00. I let out a yawn, and waited for everyone to get in the shower, so I could get get in. When it finally  became my turn, I had tackled Louis and pushed Zayn out of the way to be able to take this wonderful shower I'm about to have.

I striped off my close and climbed in, and began to shampoo my hair. Then I rinsed it and applied some conditioner. Yum I smell like strawberries, god I love strawberries there so yummy. I climbed out of the shower and dried off. Then I  got dressed in my Superman footie pajamas, yes that  includes a cape. I walked out of the bathroom to see Louis leaning against the wall out side. "Nice PJ's." Louis teased with a laugh.

I smiled sweetly " Nice hair." I said as I looked at it. His hair was covered in cake batter and sticking up everywhere. He glared at me as, I skipped off into the living room were everyone was sitting in the living room in there PJ's.

"Kat? What are you wearing? " Kayla said smiling

"My superman PJ's. "I answered smiling as I ran forward causing my cape to flow behind me. I then jumped on the couch." My PJ's  amazing" I said grinning

Kays Laughed " I see that. It fits you well." Harry laughed with her along with everyone but Niall, who just sat there glaring at me. I guess he still mad about the cake incident.

"So who cleaned the kitchen?" I asked looking around.

"Niall and I did" Kayla said, while she played with Zayn's hair. Wow they must really like each other.

Louis walked out his hair still wet form the shower , he sat down beside me and began to play with my hair. I pushed his hand away " No, don't touch my hair you meany. You made fun of my PJ's" I said childishly

He frowned " Kat, I'm sorry please for give me," he begged as he grabbed my hands in his. I shook my hand no. "Kaaaaatttttttt," he said dragging out my name " please I'm sorry .... I love your PJ's they're awesome"

I looked at him " Pinkie promise? " I said holding out my pinkie

He smiled " Yes, I pinkie promise" He linked his pinkie with mine.

I got up and and put in the movie was titanic. I love this movie its amazing. Plus I cry every time Leonardo DiCaprio dies, its just so sad, and he so freaking  hot. My eyes began to droop as I get really tired. I leaned my head on Louis shoulder and fell into a deep sleep.

kidnapped by them!!!!! Omg kill me now!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang