Paybacks a hoe

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I rolled over rubbing my eyes. I can now see Louis fast asleep.  Rule number one : never be the thing in between me and food in the morning. I being the ninja I am, I climb over him and onto the floor of the tour bus.

Ha ninja skills! Now I need to find Kays so we can pull off my amazing prank idea. I looked in each of the beds the boys were in but could not find her. Where the hell is she? Then I saw it the blonde hair was sticking out of a bed I hadn't checked. Ninjaly tiptoeing over there I finally made it to my fast asleep best friend. Aw she look so innocent asleep, to bad I was about to wake her up. 

With that thought, I  grabbed her pillow and ripped it right out from under her head. She sat up quickly and bashed her head on the bunk ceiling,  and glared at me I put a finger to my lips signalling her to be quiet she nodded. She rubbed her eyes, then stood up and followed me to the small counter in the kitchen. Opening the top drawer, I began my search for my prank utensils. Aka SHARPIES!!!!!!

Closing the top drawer. I opened the second one. After moving  some of the stuff in the drawer around I spotted some different colored sharpies I let out a quiet squeal. Kaylee gave me a weird look as  I yanked them out of the drawer. A loud bang sounded off when I accidentally slammed the drawer. I winced and looked toward the bunks. All the boys were still fast asleep. I let out a sigh of relief as I looked at the sharpies. Ha its there brand of sharpies, the irony.

I handed Kaylee a few, she picked one and stuffed the rest of the markers in her pocket. I doing the same with mine.

We crept over to the first bunk, which happened to be Niall's. Awe he looks so cute when he's asleep. He was facing us so I quickly drew a small beard as Kaylee gave him a evil person like mustache. Niall had fallen asleep wearing a tight shirt.  So I began writing on his shirt. ' I love Kays and Kat' and then surrounded it in hearts. Kaylee smiled at my art work. We then switched colors and moved to the next bunk. Louis. I drew on his face a mustache , and I was in the middle of drawing his beard while Kays worked on his white wife-beater. " hey loves having fun I see" A deep voice came from behind us causing me to turn around and see Zayn with a smirk on his face. We smiled innocently at him.

"Please Zayn don't wake them up yet, come on I mean we can always put washable marker on your face so you can wash yours off." I said praying he would  agree.

He nodded. " Okay go on..... But you have to take whatever punishment they decide to give you two. " we both nodded as the Bradford bad boy walked back to his bed.

Finishing up, Louis we went to the next boy, Harry. We walked over to him both knowing quite well that he was stark ass naked. We picked out a new color went to work. I gave him a uni-brow while Kays gave him a goatee and a Chinese like mustache.

We both smiled at our  handy work and went on to Liam who was wearing a black shirt. I drew a mustache and a beard on his face while Kaylee wrote on his shirt with a silver marker. Ha-ha and we are done we walked back in the living room to see Zayn holding a red washable marker I walked over and drew a simple mustache, and beard, then tossed the two markers that me and Kays were holding back in the drawer.

I then grabbed the last bag of carrots and a bag of cookies and walked back into the tiny living room like area. I tossed her the bag of cookies and we both sat on the couch eating food and watching TV.

The first victim that came happened to be Niall. His eye widened at the now empty bag of cookies in Kaylee's hands as she slowly put the last one into her mouth. I was in the process of chewing the last carrot from my bag.

Then it happened, Niall let out a scream, that was very girlie if i do say so my self. Then he began yelling at Kaylee who to anyone else would think she was trying not to cry, but I know difference she trying hard not to laugh, the other three boys stumbled into the room. I couldn't help it I busted out laughing.

I mean come on how could I not it was hilarious. Kaylee couldn't help it either and she began laughing hysterically. I looked at the boys still laughing. Ha-ha Louis looked at the floor where the empty bag of carrots sat his eyes widened "YOU ARE IN SO MUCH FUCKIN TROUBLE HOW COULD YOU EAT THEM" he shouted his face was a tint of red.

Out of nowhere the boys song What Make You Beautiful began to play from the TV. Kays and me started dancing. The boys continued to glare there mood not lightening up.

Kays smirked ,uh-oh the music stopped "whoa this band is way better then you guys. " I hear her say. I stick out my tongue at Zayn laughing. BANG. I jumped as thunder crashed in the distance, looking around with scared eyes. " um I-I need to um go to the bathroom" I said pushing past the boys.

 I could hear the boys yelling about the marker on them and stuff and Kaylee denying it only to be caught  by the markers in her back pocket. " okay I'm sorry .... Why were you looking at my ass you perv" she yelled followed by a smack an and an ow from Harry. I looked at my self in the mirror. BANG. I jumped letting out an yelp.

I heard knocking on the door. " Kat you okay? " Louis said from the other side.

"Yea I'm fine. " I said, ' Ill be okay' I began to tell my self repeatedly. Before walking back into the living room all the boys were staring at me. I probably looked slightly pale from being scared. I looked at Kaylee who gave me a knowing look. I went and sat on her lap needing my best friend.

I looked at the boys through the curtain of hair I had made to hide my face. They had washed off the marker all the boy faces looked red and were probably slightly raw from trying to get sharpie off. All except Zayn. I heard another clash of thunder causing me to jump. Oh god no I hate  fucking thunder storms.

kidnapped by them!!!!! Omg kill me now!!Where stories live. Discover now