First and Second Year: Snow Ball Fight!

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Friend drama 

Kinkajou's POV

"NO WAY!" I screamed. Moon winced at the volume of my voice. She was sitting on the couch and sipping a cup of hot chocolate. "Moon!" I sang as I twirled around the room. "It snowed!" Moon rolled her eyes and smiled at me. 

"Kinkajou, it hasn't snowed in years," Moon reasoned. "Besides, the weather forecast didn't tell us it was going to snow," Moon shrugged. Then she dug her nose in a book. I sighed grumpily and dragged the quiet girl off the couch and shoved her to the window. 

"SEE!" I said. Moon's eyes were wide in surprise. 

"B-b-b-but t-t-that's not p-p-p-possible!" Moon gasped. I looked out the window and sighed dreamily. Sitting outside on the floor was my best friend...snow. Everything was covered in it, it was definitely going to be a snow day. If any of us were to go outside, it would probably take thirty minutes to get to another building. "I-I-I have to tell Qibli!" Moon beamed. 

"So, are we going to go?" I asked as Moon disappeared behind her room. 

"Well, YEAH!" Moon screamed. "Come on, Kinkajou!" After she got out, she put her snow boots on and her gloves on. Now she was shoving me out the door. We locked the dorm behind us and ran upstairs. We passed many other students and people as we ran up. Hey, we didn't care that we looked different. 

We raced up to the boy's dorm and knocked on the door. Qibli walked out, wearing MANY layers of clothes. He wore snow pants, jeans, two long sleeve shirts, two jackets, two hats, two gloves, and three layers of socks. He looked really...cold. Moon started to giggle at the size he looked. 

"What?" Qibli stuttered. I looked him up and down then burst into giggles. Qibli looked at himself and rolled his eyes. "Okay, Okay. I may look a bit...fat-"

All I heard was laughter coming from Moon and I. Qibli frowned and raised his eyebrow. "But listen-" we burst into laughter again. It so hard to not, not laugh. "Are you finished?" he growled. We nodded and waited patiently for Qibli to explain himself.  "I am a summer person. NOT a winter person..." Qibli explained. 

"Of course not," called a voice from behind him. "Otherwise you wouldn't look like such an oaf!" Winter crackled. I heard Turtle snicker in the distance. 

"I bet I'm still better looking than you WINTER!" Qibli called back. I heard Winter scoff. 

"In your dreams Sand snorter," Winter chuckled. Qibli shook his head and kissed Moon on her cheek. I walked past Qibli and walked to Turtle, giving him a side hug. Winter wore a sweater and sneakers. Turtle wore a jacket, longsleeved shirt, pants, and long boots. 

"W-Winter, aren't you freezing?" Moon gasped. Winter shrugged and shook his head. 

"Not really, yeah it's chilly but it's not cold," Winter said. 

"You are INSANE!" Moon laughed. "Hey, we're planning to play in the snow, you guys want to join us?" Moon asked Qibli and the boys. 

"Sure, I'll ask Peril," Turtle said and he took off into his room. I followed him and the last thing I heard from the group was Winter saying he wouldn't mind. 

"Hey Turtle," I smiled. 

"Hey Kinkajou," Turtle replied, smiling at me. He searched for his phone. "Can you help me find my phone?" Turtle asked. I nodded and started to search everywhere, I even went under the bed to see if he dropped it there. 

"I found it!" I cheered. I reached my hand deeper into the bed. 

"Really?!" Turtle beamed. 

"No, but I did find my Cheeto!" I squealed. I took a bite and moaned. "Oh, delicious!"  Turtle chuckled silently. 

"I found it!" Turtle cheered. 

"Yay!" I applauded. Turtle smiled and kissed me on my cheek. I blushed at the action. "Let's go outside now!" Turtle laughed and placed his arm around me. We followed the others downstairs. Thankfully, Peril was already there. "Hey, we were about to come get you." 

"Alright! Let's get this snowball fight war-ready!" Winter laughed evilly. He ran around like a child just saw his Christmas present. Peril opened her mouth then closed it. "I choose Qibli and Turtle on my team." Turtle sighed and walked over to Winter, who was starting to build a fort. Qibli groaned and waddled to Winter and Turtle. Moon stifled her laughter with her scarf. 

"I guess the girls in a team," Peril muttered. She blew into her hands and rubbed them together. "Kinkajou, you start making snowballs," Peril ordered. I saluted and started to make the snowballs. "Moon, you start building the fort." Moon nodded and started to build the fort. Once we are all prepared, Peril and Winter walked to the middle of the battlefield. They shook hands and went separate ways. 

"Rules: No face hitting, no cheating, no-" Peril was caught off with Winter throwing a snowball in her face. She fell over fell on her butt. Winter started to laugh his head off. Peril spit out the snow and started to growl. "Screw the rules, let's destroy those son's of goats," Peril muttered. She stood up and pointed her hand at them. "CHARGE!" We screamed and started to through snowballs fiercely. 

Turtle ran to us and started to hit our fort. "DIE! DIE! DIE!!!!" Peril cried as she threw three snowballs in Turtle's face, arms, and legs. Turtle fell over and pretended to die. 

"Oh no," Turtle said bleakly. "I'm dying!" 

"That's not how you do it!" I yelled. "This is how you make a dramatic death: GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD!" I screamed dramatically, raising my hands in the air. "GOODBYE!" then I fell. "See?" 


"JUST DIE ALREADY!" Peril said, throwing another snowball at his face. Turtle fell and closed his eyes. I laughed, I saw Turtle moving his body as if he was laughing too. 

"Turtle is down! I repeat TURTLE IS DOWN!" Winter cried. "Qibli, it's all you!" Qibli gulped nervously and started to throw pathetically at us. "WHAT THE MOONS WAS THAT?" 

"IT'S THE STUPID CLOTHS!" Qibli growled at Winter. Winter rolled his eyes. 

"Kinkajou, hand me a snowball," Moon grinned. I handed her a snowball. She aimed at Qibli and stuck out her tongue as if she was thinking really hard. Qibli shook his head frantically. Moon threw the snowball and once it hit him, Qibli fell on his face. "HAHA! SCORE!" 

"Must I do everything myself?!" Winter growled. He took out some snowballs and started to throw them at us. 

"My turn!" I sang. I threw snowballs at Winter but he somehow dodged them. Winter threw snowballs at Moon and she fell over. "MOON!" I cried. 

Moon placed her hands on my hand. "Kinkajou, tell Q-Qibli that I love him," Moon gasped. 

"But, you killed him...remember?" I laughed. Moon thought about it. 

"Hm, I guess I did...then who am I kidding. You will always be my best friend Kinkajou!" Moon sighed. Then she died. 

"NO!" I growled. I picked up some snowballs and started to throw them at Winter. But he dodged them all. Now he was trying to get Peril. Peril was just as good as he was. Fire and Ice at it again. Winter threw a snowball at Peril and Peril died. I growled and started to throw snowballs at Winter. 

We ran around throwing them at each other. Finally, we hit each other at the same time. We both fell. "WHO WON?!" we shouted. 

"It was Winter, Kinkajou," Peril grumbled. I groaned and sighed. Winter laughed and started to make a snow angel. 

"Oasdhgsjkdhgend," Qibli said in his muffled voice. Moon crawled over to Qibli and lifted him up. 

"!" Moon gasped and she lifted him up. We heard footsteps coming to us. We looked up and saw Glory, Clay, Tsunami, Starflight, Sunny, Fatespeaker, Riptide, and Deathbringer standing over us. 

"Hey, can we join?" Sunny asked. 

"Oh, heck yeah!" I smiled. We all stood up and prepared to fight each other. Man, I love Snow ball fights! 

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