Second Year: The Beach House Part 4

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I drew that picture

September 21st

Deathbringer's POV

I shook my head. Why would Peril invite Charles with us to the Beach House? And what was that secret look that Riptide, Fatespeaker, and Peril shared when we saw Charles in the parking lot? It was as if Riptide and Fatespeaker knew that Peril and Charles have talked before. It hurt that Peril didn't talk to me about it. We made a pack to always tell each other things when we were in high school. Sure, Peril was the High School's bully for about a year when she first moved. But she changed after last year. But we where good friends and when Riptide and Fatespeaker came into our lives, we made a club. So, why didn't Peril tell me her secret. 

I decided that I wanted to be apart of her secret. So, I walked up to her room and knocked on her door. "Coming!" a voice said. Then I heard the door unlock and Peril opened it. When she did, I placed my hands on my hips and stared her down. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" I frowned. Peril looked at me with a really confused look on her face. "With Charles," I reminded her. Then her eyes widen and then she pushed me into her room. 

"How did you know? Did Riptide tell you? Or Fatespeaker? I can't believe those two!" Peril ranted. While she was talking, her hands kept going in the air. I grabbed them and forced her to look at me. 

"I found out on my own, how could you not tell me that you have been speaking to Charles?" I wondered. Peril looked down at the floor, ashamed. Then it hit me, she wasn't just talking to Charles. "You haven't been...did you? Did you and Charles kiss?" I quizzed. There was a silence. "Peril! He cheated on you! And now you're crawling back to him?!" 

"It was only one time!" Peril argued, with tears in her eyes. "He kissed me once and then he told me he loved me. I told him I had to think about it and ever since then, he hasn't kissed me and I haven't kissed him," she explained. I put my hand over my mouth and paced the room. It was a small room and it had two twin beds and a dart board. It had a clear view to the ocean too. 

But I couldn't believe Charles and Peril kissed. I couldn't believe that Charles said he loved her. Obviously, he was lying. But I didn't want Peril to get hurt. We were very much alike, Peril and I. "Peril, have you told Clay?" I wondered. She shook her head. "Well that makes this situation even better," I said, sarcastically. 

"Why does everyone want me to tell Clay?!" Peril shouted. I looked back at her with a surprising look. 

"Because he can help you! WE can help you!" I shouted back. Unexpectedly, Peril burst into tears. Which was really weird because Peril was a really strong girl. She never cries. Just like Glory. So, when she started sobbing, I knew that this whole thing was confusing her. I sat down and hugged her. "Peril, you have to tell the group...they will help you," I advised. "I will help you." 

"What if-what if they just think of me as a pathetic loser?" Peril sobbed. "Clay will surely think that," she cried. 

"Hey," I said firmly, "Clay will not think that you are pathetic. He will help you and so will everyone else," I reassured. 

"What if they don't?" Peril cried. 

"Then we go find someone who will," I said. Peril nodded and started to calm down. "Now, you don't have to tell them right now, but you do have to tell them." 

"Can I wait a few days?" Peril wondered. I nodded my head and then stood up. "Where are you going?" she asked. 

"To the beach," I said. She nodded and then wiped her tears away. When I walked out, I couldn't help but wonder if Peril was going to be okay. I just want to protect my friends and my crush. 

Glory's POV 

It only took a few minutes for me to change into my swimsuit. But when I walked out of the room, all the boys were gone and it was just me, Tsunami, Peril, Sunny, and Fatespeaker. They were waiting in the kitchen. 

"Finally!" Tsunami shouted. "I thought it was going to take you forever to get out." 

"Ha Ha," I rolled my eyes. But then I looked at all love us, we all had one thing in common...we all wore bikinis. Then I had an idea that will get the boys crazy. "Hey, guys, I have an idea..."

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