First Year: The Dance Part 1

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Moon and Qiblis drama

Moon's Point of View

We prepared to go on stage. Did I mention that the Jade Winglet go hired to play for the Fall Ball? Well, we did. And it was just an hour before the dance started. Qibli and Winter were trying to carry the huge drums onto the stage and failed miserably so they had to go get help. After Winter gave up on trying to carry the drums, he took his base guitar and carried it to the stage. Qibli helped the people that helped him carry the drums on the stage. After he helped them, he helped me, Kinkajou, and Turtle. Winter also helped.

But the one person I didn't see was Peril. Where the heck is she?! "Hey, Qibli?" I wondered, breaking my thoughts. "I don't know if we would be able to dance tonight."

"Why not?" he asked, a little disappointed.

"Well, because we would be playing for the dance," I replied.

"We can always dance on stage, you know do the twist!" Qibli laughed.

"Really? Won't you be embarrassed?" I asked. A little nervous that he'll say yes.

"Nah, I've been embarrassing myself my whole life!" he laughed again. I rolled my eyes and laughed along. I didn't realize that Winter was watching us with a pained look on his face. I ignored him and laughed along with Qibli.

"Hey guys," Peril said, a little dully. We all turned our heads to Peril.

"Peril, you look...awful!" Kinkajou, my best friend, said. She was right, Peril did look TERRIBLE. Peril's eyes were all red and puffed up.

"Were you crying?" Turtle wondered. Turtle and Peril were best friends, yes I know, Fatespeaker, Riptide, and Deathbringer are best friends to Peril too. But to be honest, they only became friends with her two years ago. Turtle and Peril have been friends for about a month but they have become much more closer.

"Yeah, I have," she sniffed.


"Because... let's not talk about this right now," Peril sighed. We nodded out of respect. "So, I hear that you two are going to dance on the stage," Peril grinned as she pointed at me and Qibli. We blushed.

"Yup, and me and Turtle are going to leave early so we can go on a date!" Kinkajou beamed. Turtle's were wide open in embarrassment. We all turned our heads to the two love birds.

"We were planning to tell you guys later," Turtle murmured.

"Aw, all of you guys have boyfriends and girlfriends. Well, except Winter and I," Peril laughed.

Winter was silent. He shuffled his weight and sighed. "Actually, I'm with Bella Stone," Winter muttered.

"WHAT?!" We yelled.


"Wow. I just thought you would be focused on Moon your entire life," Peril shrugged.

"Yeah," Kinkajou replied.

"Well, I, for one am happy to know that Winter moved on," Qibli smiled. "After all, having him follow all my decisions is kinda annoying. You know, since he adores me."

"For the last time, Sand snorter, I do not adore you," Winter growled.

"A huh," Qibli nodded, grinning. Winter rolled his eyes and walked on stage. "He adores me."

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