Second Year: First Day

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Peril and Clay's Drama

August 22nd 

Clay's POV

The alarm beeped in my room, I groaned and turned to the other side of my bed which was facing the wall. All I wanted to do was to go to sleep. I didn't want to wake up and go to Collage again. I wanted to go to sleep. But my brother Umber jumped on my bed so I woke up. 

"CCCLLAAYY!" Umber yelled as he jumped on my bed. "It's time to get ready to go!" Umber shouted. I groaned and swat my arm in his direction, I didn't want to go! 

"NO!" I groaned. "I don't want to go!" Umber sighed and got off my bed, he walked to my side and took off the blue blanket and the white sheet. Under the sheet and blanket were me and my pajamas. I had banana pajama pants and no shirt. 

"Clay! It's the first day! Do you really want to be late?" Umber lifted his eyebrows. I groaned and got up. Umber did have a point, it was Umber's first day at College. It was my second, it was my second year at Pryhhia College. 

"Fine," I muttered. I got out of my bed and pushed Umber out of my room, I closed the door and walked to my dark oak closet. It was on the other side of my room, I took out a brown t-shirt and navy blue jeans. I walked out of my room and walked to the restroom which was across my room. I closed the door and placed my clothes on the toilet seat. 

I turned on the shower and went in, I scrubbed and washed my body and hair. As I was taking a shower I was starting to wake up. I was going to be able to see all my friends and maybe I'll be able to see Peril Sky walking to class. I'm not crazy about her like Tsunami Clearwater is with Riptide Seabed but I do like Peril. I mean sure she was the class bully last year and she did bully Sunny Brightlight. But I think I convinced her to change, so now she is trying to change. 

Sure she does have a nasty temper but she was raised that way, she was raised to hate people. Mostly because her mother was the country's top wanted person in Pryhhia. But when Peril found out who her real mother was, she started to live with her. After I took a shower, I played some Bruno Mars. I played Count on Me by Bruno Mars. Nothing better than to start a day with playing Count on Me. 

I combed my hair and brushed my teeth after I put my clothes on, I walked out of the restroom and was greeted but Sora pushing her way into the bathroom. Sora is my younger sister, she was also going to Pryhhia College University. Sora and Umber are twins so they practically had the same mind. Sora had light brown hair and warm brown eyes. She had a light skin tone and she always wore a moon-shaped necklace that our sister Crane gave her before she died. 

"Good Morning, Sora," I greeted. 

"Morning Clay," Sora said quickly before she shut the door. I guess we were really late I rushed to the kitchen table and took some apples, bananas, and breakfast burritos. 

"Clay, wait for Sora," Mom told me. I nodded and sat down at our small kitchen table. "Are you ready for College?" 

"Yeah," I answered. Then the bathroom door opened and Sora walked out wearing a blue dress and some green leggings underneath. 

"COME ON!" Umber urged. He literally grabbed me and Sora and pushed us out of the door. "We love you, Mom!" We rushed out of the door and raced down the sidewalk toward the bus. When we walked to the bus stop, the bus was starting to leave. 

"WAIT!" I bellowed. "Not again!" I panted as I ran toward the bus with Sora and Umber right behind me. "WAIT!" I called. I pounded my fist against the moving bus's side. The bus stopped and I waited for the glass door to open. When it did, I walked in and paid my fee, and Umber and Sora did the same.  I walked to the back of the bus, ignoring all the weird looks from the people on the bus. 

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