First Year: Band?

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Peril and Clay's Drama

September 12th 

Peril's POV 

Today was a weird day, I was stuck in a class with the Freshman, and Charles was the teacher. After I finished my class, I snuck off into the recording room. I turned on "Idon'twanttobeyouanymore" by Billie Eilish. I sat on the stool and sang the sad song by my favorite singer. 

"Don't be that way. Fall apart twice a day. I just wish you could feel, what you say," Peril sang. She was told that she sounded like Ariana Grande. "Show, never tell. But I know you too well. Got a mood that you wish you could sell," Peril sang. 

"If teardrops could be bottled, there'd be swimming pools filled bu models. Told "a tight dress is what makes you a whore" Peril sang. She closed her eyes and let the song spill into her. "If "I love you" was a promise. Would you break it, if you're honest? Tell the mirror what you know she'd heard before." 

"I don't wanna be you anymore," Peril sighed. "Hands getting cold. Losing feeling's getting old. Was I made from a broken mold? Hurt, I can't shake. We've made every mistake. Only you know the way that I break," Peril sang. She could have sworn that she saw someone coming in. 

"If teardrops could be bottled, there'd be swimming pools filled by models, told that "a tight dress is what makes you a whore" Peril sung. "If "I love you" was a promise, would you break it, if you're honest? Tell the mirror what you know she'd heard before." 

"I don't wanna be you, I don't wanna be you, I don't wanna be you anymore," Peril sang. When the song finished I heard clapping. In front of me was a boy from our first class. He had green hair and green eyes. Wh y did this guy like green?  

"That was amazing!" He exclaimed. I flinched, I was so embarrassed. Nobody ever knew that I could sing. He came over to me and said, "You're Peril Sky, right?" 

"Y-yeah?" I told him. 

"Me and my friends are making a band, you should join," the boy smiled. "I'm Turtle," he told me. 

"I-I guess I can try-for the band," I shuffled. Turtle smiled and walked out of the studio room. I followed him and we walked to the freshman side of the school. We walked into room 17 and in that room were four more freshmen.  

"That's Winter," Turtle pointed to a handsome boy with white hair and piercing blue eyes. "The boy next to him is Qibli," Turtle introduced. Qibli had sandy blonde hair like Sunny and dark chocolate brown eyes. "The girl next to him is Kinkajou," Turtle introduced. The little girl had blonde hair but it looked like Glory's hair. She also had blue eyes. "And lastly, the girl next to Kinkajou is Moon," Turtle smiled. Moon had dark raven hair and dark chocolate-colored eyes. 

"Winter plays the electric guitar, Qibli plays the drums, Moon sings, Kinkajou plays the keyboard, and I play the bass," Turtle informed me. "Guys, this is Peril, she sings," Turtle informed his friends. 

"Hey," They greeted. 

"Do you want to play Hey Brother as a practice?" Qibli asked everyone. They nodded and I nodded with them. Qibli, Turtle, Kinkajou, and Winter took their places. Moon gave me a microphone and we started to sing to the song. It was exhilarating for me, I never felt so happy. I sang as best as I could until the song was over. When we stopped playing everyone was smiling. 

"That was AMAZING!" Kinkajou exclaimed. "Peril, you should definitely join!" Kinkajou smiled. I looked around the room. Maybe I could do with when I'm done with all my work. 

"Okay," I smiled. "I'll join," I grinned. They celebrated and I would finally be apart of something. 

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