Chapter 9~Part two

Start from the beginning

"Catch dork!" Bakugo says and snaps you out of your thought. He throws your backpack and it hits you right in the head. Ow! What the hell!?

"Hey!?-Why you!-" you say angrily but Motoki interrupts you.

"Cut it out you two! Now let's get moving, or we'll catch a cold." He says

"Pch! It's the end of spring, no way we're gonna catch a cold you idiot!" Bakugo shouts. Motoki responds with an eye roll but then he starts walking. You pick up your backpack pissed at Bakugo for throwing it at you. He carries some of your stuff along with Motoki carrying the rest. You catch up with Motoki and leave Bakugo behind since he's looking at something on his phone. You walk beside Motoki. And glance at him. He's got dirty blonde hair with bright blue eyes. God he's so cute. And good looking. You blush and look ahead. He laughs a bit.

"Sorry about him, he's usually always like this so don't take it too personal." He says.

"Oh, I-it's fine. I'm sure we'll get along." You say lying.

You arrive at the front porch and Motoki knocks on the door. It opens and you see your grandma. She looks so happy and she brings you into a tight hug.

"Y/N! Look at how much you've grown. Your such a beautiful girl!!" She says. You laugh.

"Thanks grandma. It's good to see you." You say cheerfully. She relaxes you put puts her hands one your shoulders.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I just want you to know that we're here for you, and we love you." She says.

You then remember about your mom. You've been trying to avoid thinking about it but every know and then it would come across your mind. You start to wonder if she's getting better. You then feel a bit of tears on your eyes. Your grandma holds you tight which comforts you a lot. It's good to feel comforted with someone of your family. You wipe away some of your tears. Your grandma let's you guys into the house and each of your sit on the couch. You also eat dinner. Your grandpa comes in and talks to you a bit but then goes to bed since it's really late and he was at work all day.

"Ok, well it looks like we should be heading in too!" Motoki says with a laugh. Him and Bakugo get up.

"See you tomorrow Y/N, and Mrs. Takahashi!"
He says while waving while exiting the door, Bakugo follows him but when he gets to the door he pauses and slightly looks back.

"Later dork." He says. You avoid eye contact with him but respond, just to be polite.

"Bye!" You say. Your grandma gets up.

"Ok dear let's get you to bed, you've had a tough day and you need to your rest!" She says while leading you to a room.

"Here's your room. I fixed it all up for you. In fact this use to be your mothers room when she was little" she says. You look around the room and smile. You run to your grandma and hug her.

"Thank you so much grandma! For everything!" You say gratefully.

"Oh no worries dear, now I'll see you in you morning." She says while exiting the room and turning off the rest of the house lights.

(Picture of the room btw:)

(Picture of the room btw:)

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