❌Chapter 22❌

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So kayla moved back in with us but I was meaning to tell her something. I dont think she is going to be happy about it... I'll tell her later. Hopefully.... I went and played with Madison for a while I litterly love her to pieces❤ Later on I went and skyped Carter bc well he's modeling now magcon is over.. So yah.. I called Mahogany over bc we gotten close. When she got here I asked if she wanted anything. 'No." She said. Okay so I got a call from a pacsun,Victoria secret,and H&M they want me to model for them! "Omg that's amazing and a lot!" Lox said. But its in California.(I hope Kaitlyn and that rest don't live in Cali bc idk just pretend if we do sorry) I said. "Ohh..." She said. Yah. I said.

"When do you leave?" She asked. In 2 weeks... I said. "You need to spend some time with everyone. How long are u staying there?" She asked. Well I think a couple years maybe 2. I said. "Woah that's long!" She said. Yah I know. I said. After like an hour of talking she went home. I was just sitting here thinking what is going to happen will my whole life change? Will me and Carter still be together? Will he find someone else? Ughh thoughts were running through my mind!


Later on someone opened the door it was kayla. "Heyy!" She said. Hayy! I said. I need to talk to u I told her. "Okay?" She said. I told her everything that I told mahogany. "Oh." was all that came out of her mouth. But you might have to watch Madison I'm so sorry but its a amazing opportunity and I just couldn't pass. I said "Okay!" Wait what I thought u were going to be sad? I said. "I am but that's amazing and we could face time a bunch of times." She said.

1 week later


So its been a week already and I have a week left I played with my baby so much I'm going to miss her. I've been hanging out with the guys and Carter came back home. I talked dto my dad a lot. Mahogany,Kendall,Kylie,and Kayla have been hangin out a lot. I'm going to miss them so damn much. it was Monday morning and of course I was hungry I went to McDonalds and ate their like breakfast stuff but I have to stay really fit.. Shit I forgot. Ughh! Later on I went to go on my house to see all the boys there! "ayyeee!" I said . "heyy!" I heard. I walked up to Carter and sat on his lap and started playing call of duty with Hayes. We just hung out like we went pennyboarding, swimming, and watching movies.( our dad watched the kids)


2nd week the day Kaitlyn leaves


I woke up and looked at my phone my plane leaves in a hour. I wake up take a shower,brushed my teeth, and put on a crop top that says "I like you" and some jeans. I went downstairs to see all the boys and the girls (Kendall, Kylie, Kayla, and Lox) I woke everyone up with a blowhorn thing. I went to Mcdonalds and Starbucks! To get everyone something then went back home we all were done and ready to leave so I went to go say bye to my baby then go.

*at the airport*

When we got there everyone lined up in a straight line. To say my good byees.

Cammy( Cameron) u are amazing,nice, and, funny u will find the perfect girl. Bye.

Nashty(Nash)ily u are like a brother to me❤Dont forget me. Bye.

Aaron u are crazy lol.ily u like a brother we are family not by blood but by heart.(I didn't know what to put lmao) bye.

JackJ u are amazing rapper like holy shet Ily❤ bye.

JackG u are such a great singer we can be singing buddies even tho I suck ass bye.

Mattchew(Matthew) Omg u are like a brother to Me ilysm u are like amazing u are going to find the perfect girl and become a amazing father❤ bye.

Jacob I ship u and lox Jox for life❤why don't u ask her already u guys are so cute❤bye

Shawn your voice is amazing we weren't that close but when I get back we need to talk more. Bye

Hass(Hayes) you are like the only one that can beat me at Call of Duty ily bae❤


Mahogany u are like a sista to meh. We need to face time later. Bye

Kendall omg u are a sister to me ilysfm babes u are so gorgeous luv yah byee💋

Kylie u are bae find yo man any guy would be lucky to have you.💋

Carter ilysfm please don't forget me then we kiss. Take care of Madison "bye".💖

Kayla you're my sister and best friend ilysfm babes u don't even know. I'll talk to u later bye.

(If forgot some my bad its like 12 at night so don't judge)

Then I got on the plane and left.... Bye

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