•~~CHAPTER 43~~•

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Kaitlyn POV
Carter and I were doing a Q&A for a YouTube video. "You ready?" Carter asked. "Yepp!!" I said. He turned on the camera and we started. "Hey guys its me Carter and my beautiful girlfriend Kaitlyn!" He said. I sat on his lap as he hugged me from behind. "Hey guys!!" I said. "Okay so today we are going to do Q&A!! So first question! Carter how much do u love Kaitlyn??" I smirked and looked at him then he started doing these weird lines in the air. "What's that?" I said laughing. "Its and infinity sign it means my love for u is never ending." He said smiling while looking at me. "Awhh!!" I said and kissed his cheek. Later on we were done with the video so he edited it. Then we went to go pick up Madison and we went to the carnival. We didn't really get to do anything but I was with my family and Madison was having a good time. After we were done with the carnival we went home and put Madison to sleep. Then we went on the roof and laid a blanket down. And we laid down and looked at the stars "It's so beautiful." I said. "Not as beautiful as you." He said and turned around and looked at me. "I love you and if I ever hurt u Idk what I would do to myself..." He said. "I don't know what I would do without you." I said as I look at him admiring his features. We stared at each other for a moment. It was perfect.

| 3 weeks later |
    Right now I was locked up in my room crying my eyes because Madison got in car accident 2 days ago. And carter broke up with me the same day as the car accident. They said that Madison wouldn't make it. I haven't eaten in two days. And Kayla gave up trying to open the door. And that was it no happy endings like what you imagine it to be.. TO BE CONTINUED..

Thanks for reading our story I love u guys until next time. I will give u guys a heads up when I'm going to write the second book soon!! Love you😘

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