~Chapter 15~

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Kayla's POV


Today is mine and Sam's One year Anniversary, and I plan on doing the dirty with him. So I sent him to buy groceries, while I set everything up. First I grabbed rose petals and put them everywhere (BTW did I mention me and Sam moved in together, and got a house.). And when he got home he dropped everything and ran into the room. We kissed and he pushed me against the wall and we made out. Things started getting heated and we did "it".

The Next Morning


Last night was the best night ever, he was my first, I thought. Then, I woke up got dressed and wore a black crop top that says " Swag" and white high waisted shorts. After I changed I felt like I had to throw up so I went to the bathroom. Then I went to go make breakfast, I thought about it and decided I'll just give Sam breakfast in bed today. When I got in the room I put the food on the the table, and kissed him until he woke up and I felt him kiss back. He went and showered, got ready and ate. Today. I wanted to go to the mall, so I asked Sam if we could go to the mall and he said "Sure".Me being to the total white girl I am went to Starbucks and got my usual. When I was looking at Sam he looked guilty of something. So I asked him we could go home.

When we got home I asked him "What's wrong" and he told me he had been cheating on me for a month with his ex. So I walked out and went to grab my pennyboard. I then skated to Kaitlyn's and told her everything and asked her if I can stay the night, she said "okay, and what a douche."

The Next Morning


When I woke up I had to throw up. So after I changed into Kaitlyn's clothes since we're like the same size and went to the store. At the store, I grabbed 2 tests to see if I was pregnant. I was shocked, on both tests it said "Positive". I then started crying. In my head I was thinking "How could I be pregnant with Sam's baby??" I went to Kaitlyn and she said "Congratulations". But I was still freaked out. I immediately texted my dad.

M=Me D=Dad

M= I'm pregnant with Sam's baby.

D= That's awesome.

M= But he cheated.

D= Where is he?? He is dead.

M= It's fine he just won't see his baby.

D= Ok. Be Careful.

M= Thanks dad.

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