~Chapter 5~

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   Kayla's POV


    We are going to go to Florida next stop and I can't wait. In the beginning we hated all of them, but now they have been amazing friends. I got bored so I asked everyone what are we going to do today. Everybody had no clue, and then Kaitlyn, Kylie, Kendall, and I all looked at each other and screamed "ARCADE" all at the same time. While we screamed everyone covered their ears and when we were done screaming they all yelled "Owwww" and we quickly apologized.

30 minutes later


     "Is everyone done getting ready, yet?????" I heard a bunch of "Yeahs" and "Almost". I wore a crop top that had " Good Vibes" on it and white high-waist shorts. It was pretty hot since we are in California. Sam was waiting for me. He wore a white tank top and skinny jeans with his favorite beanie. I was about to put make-up on, but he took it away from me and held it over his head. He's like 5'8 and I'm 5'4, so I couldn't reach it. He finally said " You don't need that crap on your beautiful face" and I blushed. I kissed him so he had to bend down and I grabbed the make-up bag from him and ran into the bathroom, and I locked the door so he couldn't get in. When I walked out 2 people held me down Kian and Connor held me down and Sam took a make-up remover wipe and wiped all the make-up off. I finally gave up and let him have his way.

At the Arcade


I made Sam piggy-back ride me to the booth to get tokens.I was about to take out my money but Sam payed and I said "I'll pay you back next time" and he said "No need". When I looked behind the counter there was a big teddy bear that I want. I showed Sam and he smiled.We played a couple of games and he won he like 3,000 tickets. When we were about to leave I saw Sam with that big teddy bear that I wanted. He gave me it and I saw a note on there. On the note it said "Will you be my girlfriend??" I said "Yes" and we kissed.

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