Mystery Man

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*****Riley's POV*****

Last night was fun. Brielle and I had a few drinks and after that we went back to the  apartment. Now it was back to the reality of a job.

 "Morning," I replied.

  "How are things going? I have your next article ready for print if you want to check it out before I send it over to Mrs. Truelly," she said.

  "Sure," I replied.

  "I actually checked up on the whole fake thing last night," Olivia said.

  "No. I can't do it," I said.

 "Riley! This can work. He's single, attractive, he works, and he would be willing to do it," she said.

  "And he would be able to act as my boyfriend for a weekend?" I asked.

  "Yes. You have a lunch date with him today to go over the game plan," she said.

 "Today? I have way too much stuff for it to be today," I replied.

 "Riley, you use this excuse all of the time. You're going," she said.

 "What do I even do? What do I say? How much will I pay him?" I replied.

 "Okay, calm down. You pretty much go in and tell him a reasonable price. A game plan for that weekend. The terms you guys agree on or want to agree on," she said.

 "So, I just tell him that we will go there and he will act as my boyfriend for a weekend and $500 is all his?" I asked.

 "Yeah, that's kind of high, but you also make a lot more than me," she replied.

 "Okay, fine. I'll go, but if anything goes wrong, I'm done," I replied.

  "Okay," Olivia replied excited.

*****Noon At Peter's Cafe*****

As I walked in, there were three booths open. I placed myself at the one in the  middle right. I didn't even know what this guy looked like, let alone who he  was. He could be a serial killer for all I knew. Although, what did I have to worry  about Liv knew how to work her magic.

Just as the waiter got to me, a guy appeared before me.

  "Ordering without me?" he asked as he sat across from me.

  "You must be... Ryan," I said shocked. It was the guy from the restaurant. I couldn't believe this. He of all people would be the fake boyfriend.

  "Oh, right. Riley from last night," he replied with a smile. 

  "Are you being serious right now?" I asked. 

  "What do you mean?" he replied.

  "Did Olivia send you?" I asked.

  "Yeah, she told me there was money involved and I agreed. Why do you need a fake boyfriend?" he asked.

 "It's a long story. Let's just say my family is always nagging me about finding a boyfriend and my sister threatened to make me go with her ex to her own wedding if I didn't find someone," I replied.

  "So you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend at your sister's wedding?" he asked.

  "Yeah, that would be great and you walk away with $500," I said.

  "$500 for just a weekend? I'm in," he replied.

  "Seriously?" I asked.

"Yes. What are we anyways? Are we like dating or pretending to have been together for a long time and it's serious, or are we just sex buddies?" he asked.

 "Sex buddies? Woah! You're getting paid to pretend, not the real thing," I replied.

  "You might want to. You never know. If you are paying me to be your boyfriend, you haven't gotten any in over a year," he replied.

"It's been less than a year. Can we move on now? Okay, we are just talking and went on a few dates. I invited you to the wedding and you work as a what? How old are you anyways?" I asked.

  "I work for a hospital. I am 25. Ryan Chase. I don't like when girls are controlling. I like food. I like football, basketball and girls," he replied.

  "If you work for a hospital, what do you need $500 for?" I asked.

  "Something important," he replied.

  "So, how did Olivia find you?" I asked.

  "Well, she's my sister," he replied.

  "No wonder she made you do this."

  "She didn't make me," he said.

  "I don't believe that," I replied.

  "You can believe whatever you want. So how'd we meet?" he changed the subject.

  "Olivia?" I asked.

  "No, we met at a greek restaurant. That's the real story," he said.

  "How long we been dating?" I asked.

  "4 months.," he said.

  "No, that's too long," I said.

  "No it's not. Just go with it," he said.

  "Fine," I replied.

  "Where do you work?" he asked.

  "I'm your sister's boss. I write the monthly articles for Truelly News," I replied.

 "Nice. Let's just eat and get to know each other seeing that you are my girlfriend now," he teased with a cocky smile that make me cringe.

The rest of the time we got to know each other. He seemed like one of those typical guys women dream to be with, "The Player". Maybe I was wrong though. He liked to joke around and have fun which I kinda missed because Gabe liked to do that. I hate to even talk about him because he was just some asshole that broke my heart and moved away.

  "Well, this was nice. Let me know when you want to meet up again or the next time you need me," he replied shaking my hand.

  "Okay I will. Thanks again Ryan," I replied as we went our separate ways.

***** Later that night*****

 "I'm going now," I said to Olivia.

 "You never did tell me how it went," she asked.

 "It was okay," I replied.

 "Okay. Call your sister, too," she said.

 "Thanks, see you tomorrow," I replied as I took off out the door.

 "Hey you called?" I asked Sara.

 "Yeah. We changed the dresses to tonight," she said.

 "What? Are you serious?" I asked.

 "Yeah. The weekend won't work. Can you come up a day early?" she asked.

 "I guess. I'll call you right back," I said hanging up to call Olivia to give her my orders for tomorrow being that it was Thursday night and now I had to miss Friday.

  "Olivia, Sara changed the date, so now I have to take off tonight. You will just have to take that article to Mrs. Truelly," I said.

  "Okay I will," she said hanging up and dialing Sara's number.

  "Sara? GIve me an hour. I just left," I said.

  "Okay, we're going at 6 anyways," she said.

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