Family Time!

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************Riley’s POV************

It had been a long last few weeks away and now I was finally home. It was Ryan’s first day back to work since the wedding.

 Aiden was coming over for supper and I would need to run to the store. I jumped in the shower, letting the hot water hit me making my brain wonder off with many thoughts.

It was literally 10 minutes after I showered when Ryan called me.

“Hey babe. How’s everything going?” He asked.

“Ryan, I’m fine. You just left two hours ago.”

“I know…I guess I’m just paranoid.” He teased.

“Well we are just fine.”

“Okay…Aiden will be over around 7 tonight.”

“I will run to the store to get the rest of the stuff for tonight. Shouldn’t you be at work though?” I asked.

“Yup...So I will see you when I get off.” He said.

“Okay… Bye love you.”

I decided to call my mom right after that.

“Sweetie! How have you been?” My mom asked.

“Well...I’m better. We were pregnant with twins but we lost a baby and now we are blessed with a healthy baby boy on the way.”

“Awe sweetie I’m sorry. A boy? Oh my! I can hardly wait. I wish you weren’t all the way in New York!” She said.

“Yeah me too… It gets to be stressful being away from family.”

“Well…You ever need me to come on down I will gladly!” She said. 

“Thanks Mom! How’s dad?” I asked.

“He’s good now that you’re okay. He is going to be so happy for a little grandson!” She said excited.

“Yeah… It’s so crazy that I’m actually pregnant.”

“I’m so happy for you! You deserve this Riley.” She said.

“Thanks… Look I better get to the store. Aiden is coming over for supper tonight.”

“Oh that’s great!” She said.

“Yeah I know. Bye Mom. I’ll call you later.”

“Okay…Bye. Love you.” She said before hanging up.

I met Olivia in the grocery store with Bryleigh.

“Hey, Guys!” I said.

“Hey Rywee.” Bryleigh said.

“What are you guys up too?” I asked.

“Just shopping. What about you?” Olivia asked.

“Getting stuff for supper… Did you guys actually wanna come over tonight? Aiden is coming over and so I’m sure Ryan would love it if you guys came over too?” I asked.

“Yesssss!” Bryleigh said.

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt.” Olivia said.

“Great!” I said.

“So how are things with the baby?” She asked.

“Well he is doing just fine.”

“He?” She asked.


“That’s great Riley…So when you coming back? It’s been kind of boring at the office.” She asked.

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