Safe at last...

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Check out my friends book!!

*******************************Ryan's POV****************************

"CALEY! You lied to me!" I yelled at her as the gurney came closer.

"I'm sorry Ryan! We knew you would freak out if we told you that it was Bryleigh." She said.

"It didn't work! I'm still yelling and it was my FREAKING nephew! Are you kidding me?!" I yelled back.

"Ryan! Knock it off! Bryleigh needs you." Olivia yelled at me.

"Your right! I'll deal with all this after! What happened?" I said.

"I don't know. I went into the bedroom to check on him and he was unconscionous." She said trying to stay calm.

"Okay.. Let's run some tests, check his vitals, and basically everything." I said also trying to keep calm. It was my nephew's life on the line!

Bryleigh was sleepng on the gurney as we brought him to the back.

"Olivia, Everything will be fine." I said hugging her.

"I hope so! Ryan, I can't lose him." She said sobbing.

"You won't!" I said hugging her one more time then leaving her.

I hurried back and got washed up. As I entered the room they were already running tests.

"Caley, Grab me that." I said pointing to the heart monitor.

"Uncle Ry?" Bryleigh said as he opened his eyes smiling.

"Bryleigh." I said shocked that he woke up.

"Am I otay?" He asked.

"We're getting everything figured out. What happened?" I asked.

"I can't remember. I think I was sleeping then I..I...don't remember." He said.

"Let me listen to those lungs of yours." I said listening.

"I know what happened." I said to Dr. Hart.

"He has so much fluid going into his lungs that it stopped them from working and no messages to the heart were sending. We have to try to get some of that stuff out and start him on treatments." I said.

"Good job Chase! Let's try to get some x-rays and then we can see how bad the pneumonia is. If they are really full we will have to do surgery to drain them." I said.

As they sent him to x-ray I went out to see Olivia and try to calm her down. I walked out there and Ryley was sitting with her.

"Is he okay?" They both said.

"He has pneumonia... his lungs filled up and there was no oxygen getting to the blood causing the heart to stop. They are taking x-rays now and if they are full of fluid they will have to do surgery to drain them if not we will start in on iv's right away and antibiotics." I said.

"So he's okay?" Olivia asked.

"Yes.. He woke up in matter of fact." I said.

"That's great!" She said.

"How are you holding up?" Ryley asked.

"Well you could say emotionally drained." I said.

"You and your job." She said as she put her hands into mine.

"I know..I'm stressing myself out." I said.

"i actually wasn't going to say that this time." She teased.

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