Heart to Hearts

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Watch for POV Changes also! (: Sorry it took so long!

***********************Riley's POV*********************

**Day before the wedding**

"Good Morning Miss Chase." Ryan said as he rolled over.

"Good Morning Mr. Nixon."

"Can you believe this is the last day ever?" Ryan asked.

"Are you ready?"

"Absolutely! I couldn't be happier." Ryan replied as he kissed me.

I was a little scared for tomorrow to come but after our talks we have been having. I wasn't sure how he would handle this commitment thing.

"Me either.. So everyone will be here at 6. Their planes land and we will have to go pick everyone up. Eddi will be with them also." I said.

"Okay.. So I'm gonna go golfing with your dad today while your mom and you handle wedding business." He said.

"Sounds good to me. I'm gonna take a shower." I said hopping out of bed.

"Okay." He repied. 

After showering and getting ready Ryan met my dad downstairs. Mom and I were off to run errands.

"Mom, we have to get the gowns picked up today." I said.

"Okay.. I know that's why I'm going!" She said parking behind a car.

I was nervous to try on my dress because of the slight gain of weight.

"Come right with me and we will zip you into your dress." The small lady said.

"What happens if I gained a few pounds?" I asked.

"Well I think it will fit fine." She said. 

I slid my legs in the mermaid part of the dress and slowly pulled the rest of the beaded dress up. I stopped as she tugged it shut and zipped.

"Okay there is just a slight change but we can pin it." She said.

"Why?" I panicked. 

"There is just a half inch that isn't closing." She said. "Okay there I got it."

I stepped out to where my mom was sitting and her face lit up right away.

"This is the dress! I love it! It does look a little snug right in here." She said as she pointed to my sides.

"Yeah.. I must of gained some weight." I teased.

"Oh please! You can never gain weight that easy." She teased.

"Well.. Lately I can."

"What do you mean lately?" She asked.

"I guess I forgot about my diet." I said.

"Wait a second? Are you? No your not!" She said. 

"Not what?" I asked. 

"Nevermind." She said. 

"You think I'm pregnant?" I asked.

"No." Mom said.

"Well I kinda am!" I said.

"Seriously?! Oh my goodness! I'm going to have another baby! I had a good feeling about this guy!" She said hugging me.

"What does that even mean?" I said laughing.

"Well..I don't think Gabe would of gave us any babies."

"Oh whatever mom!" I said. 

"But seriously Riley, I really like Ryan and I had a good feeling about him when I met him. He's really nice, a family guy and cute." She said. 

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