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*****************Riley's POV*******************

"Honey, You want some breakfast?" My mom asked as she made breakfast.

"No.. I'm good mom. I have to get on the road anyways after." I said.

"You have to eat something after last night. Your not even gonna stay until Monday?" She asked.

"No I can't. I have to get back to the office."

"Can you at least explain what happened yesterday?" She asked.

"What's there to say? I lied to you guys.. I hired a fake boyfriend to impress you guys and so you'd stop hounding me."

"All you had to say is for us to stop." She pleaded.

"I did Mom. It didn't work."

"I just don't understand... You are a gorgeous girl, talented, you have lots of money and you guys seemed real when I went to see you guys." She said.

"Well.. I guess were all not perfect like Sara. Are we?"

"Honey, Don't bring Sara into this." She said.

"Mom it's clear.. You hated when I dated Gabe, you thought he was such an ass all the time. You always expect me to be with these high class rich guys. I'm sick of all the matchmaking you do!" I yelled.

"I never said any of that." She said turning away.

"Whatever mom! You know I finally feel like I belonged in this family and then you go and judge me for all this. I was trying to protect myself."

"Of course I'm going to judge you! You let that boy slip away from you when you guys were perfect together." She said.

"It was fake mom!"

"I don't think so...He looked at you the way your father looked at me. He's a great guy, a gentleman, and pretty darn handsome." She said.

"I ruined everything all over my stupid job anyways."

"Who cares about the article! You can find another job. Love is more important honey." She said hugging me.

"I know.. I just don't think I will get that back from him." I said.

"Oh honey.. He will come back. He will eventually read the article and discover you were wrong." She said.

"I hope so.. Because this feels like shit." I said.

**************Ryan's POV********************

*** Riley's Apartment***

I hated this. It shouldn't of been like this. I should of been with Riley at the wedding last night. As I unlock the door  I enter her two bedroom, two bath apartment.

The apartment was silent and everything was left as it was. I made my way to the bedroom. As I entered flashbacks came to me.

First, it was the time I unzipped her dress and she planted her lips on mine. She took control of me and left me speechless. I loved kissing her soft lips.

Second, was the time we actually had sex. She was laying on the bed smiling at me as I laid over her. Her hands trailed up my shirt and she sent goosebumps all over. She kept teasing me about my rules and she was the only girl that made my rules go away.

"Snap out of it Ryan!" I said to the blank walls.

I grabbed my suitcase out of the closet and began packing as I came over my shirt she had the day she came to the door. It smelled like her, a fruity/sexy sensation. The smell gave me a weird feeling in my stomach.

I finished packing my clothes and headed for the living room.

I left her a note on the counter in an evelope saying "Dear Riley, I'm sorry things didn't work the way we planned. I hope you get good credit for the article being it ruint everything. I do have to thank you for changing me, I have realized that I was a total asshole. I don't blame you for writing an article about me. Also thanks for the money even after everything happened it went to a good cause. P.S. The bet wasn't what you thought it was.. He won by the way and I only had to give him $60 not your money. Anyways work is calling best of luck to your future. You deserve a great guy! Love, Ryan."

I hated that I had to give her a note and not see her in person. I wish everything would of worked out. I hated the fact that I thought she was such a great girl and she turned out to be wrong. Most of all I hated the fact that I had to leave her behind.

**Beep Beep**

I pulled out my phone and on the screen was a message. "Plane is leaving in an hour. Noah."

"Just finishing up at Riley's will be there. You doing this with me?" I typed back.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else. Your my best friend. Noah."


What do you think? Did Ryan make the right choice?

Happy Early New Year's Eve!


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