Emotional Wreck!

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********************Riley's POV********************

"Hello, Mason?" I asked as he picked up the phone.

"Miss Riley, How nice of you to call me." He said.

"I've decided it's a great start to a new beginning and that it's a once an a lifetime chance to have such a great magazine ask for you." I said.

"You wanna take it?" He asked.

"Yes...I wanna take it."

"That's great! I will have the movers leave tomorrow and start packing you up tomorrow night. When do you want to move here?" He asked.

"Will you have everything ready by Monday? It is Wednesday but it is Thanksgiving tomorrow?"

"i will call the realtor right now and make sure you are able to move in right away and get everything set up with monthly payments and everything monday." He said.

"Okay.. That sounds good. If that don't work I can always wait until next Friday to move."

"I will call her and calll you right back." He said hanging up.

I just realized that Thanksgiving was tomorrow. I hadn't even had a call from mom or Sara begging for me to come home which, suprised me. They were probably mad because of what I pulled last weekend. I don't blame them because it was a big lie and all.

**Ding, Dong**

I went to the door to see Mom, Dad, Parker, and Avery standing at the door.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked opening the door.

"Spending Thanksgiving with you." Mom said.

"Seriously? But I don't have anything ready for Thanksgiving." I said.

"We'll go shopping. go jump in the shower." Dad said.

"Okay.. make yourself at home." I said.

I jumped in the shower quick and got ready to go shopping. I threw on a pair of black skinnys, aqua shirt and a cheetah print scarf. I put my hair into a messy bun at the top of my head and put a headband on.

"Since when do you have an xbox?" Parker asked playing it on my bed.

"I don't." I said.

"It was on the floor in the living room." Parker said.

"Oh shit! That's Ryan's." I said as I remember him trying to make me play with him one night.

"Your's now!" He said.

"Oh shut up! Let's go." I said throwing a pillow at him.

-You left your x-box.Riley

It was the right thing to do right. I had to say something to him.

"You want to have turkey or ham?" Mom said as we went out the apartment building.

"Turkey!" Avery said.

"Ham!" Parker said.

"Let's just have both." I said.

"We parked way over there." Dad said.

"Parker, you can ride with me." I said.

"Okay." He said as he got in.

"Just follow me." I told my dad.

-Just keep it. I don't need it.Ryan

I knew that was a lie because he never stopped playing at night. It made me feel bad because he must not of really wanted anything to do with me.

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