Going home!

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*************************Ryan's Pov***********************

***Two Weeks Later***

We could finally breathe again. Riley has past the danger zone and now she is safe to go home. I could not wait to be home with her at last.

"We're boarding in 5 minutes and you seriously have to pee?" I asked.

"Yes.. shut up. You have no idea what it feels like to have him push on your bladder." Riley said.

"Well hurry up!"

It was going to be a long plane ride if she kept peeing. I pulled out my phone and checked in at work before she finally came back.

"Flight 143 to New York. First class, and handicapped first."

"That's us. We're seat 4,5 of first class." I replied.

I helped Riley carry her bags to the line and followed her as we boarded the plane.

"Ryan, that's Casey Reynolds." Riley said.

"It is not. I know what she looks like."

"Yes, it is."

"No, it's not." I replied.

"Well, I'm gonna ask." She said.

"Don't make it obvious so the whole plane knows if it is Riley."

"Fine." Before I could stop her she was at Casey's chair.

"Can I get magazine in your seat, Please. I have to start reading up on pregnancy?" She asked.

"Sure. Your that writer, front cover page with the player, right?" Casey asked.

"Yeah, that's me. Your Casey aren't you?"

"and that would be me." She replied.

"Your article was actually impressive. I told my manager that you would be the only writer I would actually love for you to write about me."

"Really?" She said.

"Yeah.. you have some real balls to do what you did to him." Casey said.

"Personally, I don't think so." I replied turning around.

"Your the player!" Casey said shocked.

"Yes, That would be my husband." Riley said.

"You guys are married?!"

"Yup. Just two weeks ago." I replied.

"That's awesome! I would love for you to do an article with me." She said.

"Seriously? I would love too."

"When can we start?" Casey asked.

"I have actually been on bed rest for the last two weeks but I would love to start within the next two weeks."

"That would be awesome." Casey replied giving Riley her card.

"Please, be seated."

"Congrats by the way." Casey replied smiling.


*                 *                            *                                  *

"Home Sweet Home." I replied setting the bags down.

"Babe, I'm going to take a bath before bed." Riley said.

"Okay.. I'm going to get some stuff done outside and then be right in." I replied taking off outside.

The grass was so long and had to be mowed but it was too late for that. I watered her plants, trimmed the hedges, and cleaned up the yard.

"How's everything going?" I heard from behind me.

"Good.. Aiden?" I asked surprised to see him there.

"I heard about Riley and I'm glad she's okay." He said.

"Thanks.. She did loose one of the twins but we're out of the safe zone and he will be here in 5 months." I said.

"He? That's great!" Aiden said.


"Your going to be a great dad Ryan, Don't listen to anything I told you. I was being stupid." Aiden said.

"I sure hope so!"

"You will." Aiden replied.

"So you busy tomorrow night?"

"Nope. Why?"

"Wait... When did you move here?" I asked.

"I actually just landed a job here."

"Seriously? I didn't know that. Anyways you wanna come over for supper?" I asked.

"I'd love too. I better get back though." He said.

"See you tomorrow." I replied.

"See ya!"

I went inside and found Riley laying in bed reading a magazine.

"Hey, you!" She said smiling.

"Hey!" I said taking my clothes off down to my boxers jumping on the bed.

"What did you get done out there?" She asked.

"Just some yard work and talking to Aiden." I said.

"You saw Aiden?"

"Yeah, He just moved here. I actually invited him to supper tomorrow." I said.

"That's great!"

"It actually feels so relieving to be home with you, tiny man, and that Aiden is back." I said.

"Wait until tiny man is actually here!" She said rubbing my back.

"I can't wait!"

"Me either! I'm so happy right now nothing can stop this." She said kissing me.

"Nothing! I love you." I teased.

"Night babe."



Tell me what you think?

That's right it's a...........................BOY(:

I will probably start on the next update tomorrow! (:


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