Alone time...

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*********************Riley's POV******************

This week has been so stressful with this article and as soon as I finish it I will be starting my Ryan article. I'm actually re-thinking the article. Ryan has kind of turned into on my my friends. He's funny, nice, doesn't want all those games, and he can sleep with all the same girls as he used to.

He actually listens when I tell him about work. Although he doesn't talk about his job at all. It's like he's turned into my best friend.

"Riley? Avery's here." Olivia said peeking in.

"Thanks." I replied.

"This is nice! Why did you always act as if you dissapeared on the earth and worked in a shitty place. This is great." Avery said.

"What's to brag about it's work?" I said.

"Sooo.. I kinda set up a date for you and Ryan. Your always busy or not wanting to leave me. Well.. I'm going out with some friends from the camp and you guys are going out." She said.

"What? Why Avery?" I said.

"Your going.. Ryan said yes and set everything up. It's dressy and stuff I set all your clothes out on your bed and you are to be ready by 6." She ordered.

"Really? I've been WAY too busy for any of this Avery." I pleaded.

"Your going! That's it. It's 4 now so you better hurry." She said as she got up and left.

"And your the little sister?" I asked.

"Bossy? Right?" She teased.


I just finished curling my hair and had to go check out what outfit Avery picked out. Laying on the bed was a fitted red sparkle dress with a leather short jacket and high heels.

"You've got to be kidding me?!" I said out loud.

"You can do this... Be sexy.. Yeah right." I told myself. I unzipped it and slipped on a red thong and pulled the dress up.

**Ding Dong**

"Seriously? He's early?" I said. I hurried up, pulling it up as the bedroom door opened.

"WOAH!" I said.

"It's me. I'm staying with Ren." Avery said. "You need help?"

"You just had to pick this dress... I haven't wore this dress since I was with Gabe." I said pulling at it.

"Here wear this one." She said throwning me one of her dresses she brought.

"Much better." I said as I zipped it up.

"See you later! Don't get too frisky." She teased as she left.

Just as she left I heard someone else in the house. "It's me.. You almost ready." Ryan said.

"Yeah.. Just a few more minutes." I replied.

I finished up throwning my jacket on and tugging on my cowboy boots.

"Wow! You..." Ryan said.

"What?!" I said.

"Nothing.. You look great." He said smiling at me.

"You look good too." I replied not lying this time. I couldn't think of him as my friend anymore as I seen him. Or at least I didn't want to think of him as my friend.

"Ready?" He asked.



"Sorry.. You had to change your Friday girl for this. Avery insisted." I said.

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