Busy days...

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M***********************Ryan's POV**********************


I just got to work and there was already 3 cases that needed my help. I had one with breathing problems, another with flu like symptoms, and one surgery with a blood clot.

"Dr. Chase, The little boy in room 340's test results came back. There not too good. I think you better go over them first then talk with them." Nurse Caley said.

"Thanks Caley." I said taking the paperwork from her.

Postive for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia meaning a rapid increase in the number of immature blood cells. Commonly found in children also. I hated cases like this. Why did my job have to be so difficult?

"Hey, Buddy?" I asked as I entered the room.

"Doctor!" Kayson said as he sat up.

"I got the test results back and I wanna talk to you about them. We don't go over test results with children under 6 but being Kayson is such a big boy and he's 7. We will go over them with all of you guys." I said looking at Kayson, his mom, his dad, and teen sister.

"No problem." His dad replied.

"Okay.. So he tested negative for influzema, diabetes and  the common cold. However, he did test positive for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukmia. This means that he has a rapid increase in the number of immature blood cells. I will send him over to Dr. Hiwe in the cancer center and we will begin him on treatments right away. We want his gone as soon as it came. We want him to be healthy right away and for him to continue with daily life. It's going to be a hard, long, and stressful journey but if we start him right away we should get everything going fast." I said as I looked at Kayson who's face was blank and looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"How could this happen?" His mom sobbed.

"It's a fast process when you catch it." I replied.

"Dr. Chase? Am I gonna die?" Kayson asked.

"No.. buddy. We are going to start you on treatments right away and Dr. Hiwe is going to deal with you and make you all better. You have to be strong thou buddy." I said as I tried to keep myself together.

"I can do that." Kayson replied.

"I'm sorry for what's happened Mr. and Mrs. Kentard. If you get him treated right away he should be okay as long as his body goes along with treatments. If you have any questions please call." I replied.

"Thanks." They both replied as I left the room.

"Chase, I got Hiwe ready for him. Your meeting has been rescheduled and Eddison's mom called to confirm her surgery in two weeks." Caley said.

"Thanks...She called? She's coming here for it." I said.

"Yup.. She said Eddison through a fit when they brought her to the new doctor. She only wants you." Caley said smiling.

"That little turd. Okay.. What's next Caley?" I asked.

"You have three more patients then it's 1 hour break time." She said.

"Duty calls." I said as my beeper went off.

*************************Riley's POV************************

The landlord just left and now it was my time to make my way to my first day of work.

"156 ave...Tulip Magazine please." I said to the taxi.

We arrived shortly after. We pulled up to a huge 19 story building with a huge printing sign that read Tulip. I couldn't believe I was working here.

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