7. The Faerie Adventures of Billy and Mandy

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"I have felled the Autumn Lord," a male voice declared, the long end of his dark cloak trailing behind him as he strode forward, face obscured by his hood. "I am Light, the one who will embrace all of your repressed desires and bring them into the light. I am also your new Autumn Lord."

One of the little men intercepted him. "Your challenge was not made official and therefore it is invalid-" he choked, eyes overtaken by a paralyzed fear as he lifted his tiny hand- which now gripped a white arrow that hadn't been there before- and stabbed himself. He dropped dead meters away from his dead king.

Light turned to the rest of the dead lord's entourage.

They bowed simultaneously. "Praise the new Autumn Lord."

The statement echoed around as the others- wisely- followed their lead. A few guards lifted the dead bodies and took them away.

One of the little men raised his arms, voice booming, "If there is anyone here who would like to challenge our new Autumn Lord, you may come forward to place your challenge!"

Strangely, it wasn't Arius who the fae stared at with this declaration, it was at a young man whose beautiful face was burning with rage, cheeks streaked with tears. He had antlers smaller but similar to the late king's.

His son?

Would he challenge the new Autumn Lord? Try to get revenge?

He didn't make the challenge though, casting his furious gaze to the floor in what would've been an obvious sign of submission in werewolf language. Looks like it meant the same thing to the fae as well, the three little men raised the bloodied antler crown and handed it to Light. He took it and I thought he'd lower his hood, but he just plopped the crown right on top of it. He turned around, showing a face covered by a colorful butterfly mask that was at odds with the tattered old cloak he wore. And his dirty bare feet. He was willowy too, giving off a very strong grim reaper vibe. In fact, if it weren't for the mask, I could practically imagine a scythe in his hand. (With Billy and Mandy in tow.)

I bet his real name isn't Light, probably gave himself the name to look cool or whatever...

"As there are no challengers," the little man began, only to be cut off by a voice that had me cringing.

"You've forgotten this man right here," Ian said, pointing directly at Arius as he joined our side. "He's been waiting to do-"

"Nothing," Arius said, raising a hand to his chest. "I have thought it over and have come to the realization that I have no real need for a castle nor a title. May your reign be joyous."

I gave a dubious look at his sudden change of heart, although I was also experiencing an immense amount of relief that he wouldn't be taking on the grim reaper dude.

I was the only one relieved apparently. Light narrowed his eyes (which I noticed were yellow now that I wasn't distracted by the initial sight of his mask). "Joyous? I'd find it much more so if you'd stupidly challenge me and add more red to the lawn here."

I scowled. If the previous king had been cruel and scary, this one was creepy and annoying. But he also had some weird shit he had used to kill two people without even lifting a finger, so it was wise not to respond to his grating comment. Arius seemed to agree with me as well, he bowed his head slightly. "You have a great amount of loyal subjects at your service now, I'm sure one or two will be more than honored to entertain you if that is what you truly desire."

He was a smooth talker, I had to give him that. I wondered what Aster would've done if she were here...the thought trailed off when I noticed Ian about to open his mouth again. I slapped a hand over it, giving him a shut it look when his forehead creased rebelliously.

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