A/n: A quick thanks

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Okay so first off hiiii, I hope you guys are doing great and that all is well. If it isn't then I am so sorry but I am sure it will get better, if you want to talk about it in the comments then feel free to.

Second of all I would like to thank you guys so much, I currently on this book have over 100k reads and almost 1k votes which means the absolute world to me. I am genuinely so thankful for the support you guys have given me over the past almost year, it has made me feel so amazing and have loved writing this book.

I know that I have taken a few breaks but I always have reasons such as writers block and personal issues so I am so sorry about that but I do try my absolute best to write as much as possible to my best ability so that you guys enjoy the chapters. Also if you guys want to see anything from such as people, storylines, aus or anything like that then let me know.

Just so that you are all aware some of the people that I have written about I do not support nor do I support their actions such as Mattia with his use of homophobic and racist slurs or Griffin cheating and supporting a pedophile. I just wanted to make that clear for you all in case you thought I did I do not support their actions at all.

On a happier note I would like to end by saying thank you so much I love you guys.

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