'Friendship at its finest'

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Backstory: Y/n (17) and Kio (18) had been friends since they were 5. Over a year ago Y/n started dating a guy named Noah when she found out that he had been cheating for 4 months with some random girl.

¤Your POV¤ "Why am I not good enough Kio? I thought I did everything right. He was my first boyfriend, he was my first everything. It isn't fair." I sobbed on Kio's shoulder feeling as though the world was collapsing in on me, I never noticed a change in him not for 4 months. How could he do this? Kio kept running his hand through my hair knowing that it calmed me until he heard me say that.

"Never say that again. I mean it. You are better than any girl he could have ever get, even that skank. You did everything for him and he was a prick. He was your first of a lot of things but that doesn't mean that he was good at them. He was a shit boyfriend to you, he never truly cared about you, I'm sorry but its true: the amount of times he would make you cry because he rude or mean or just being an ass. And he was your first kiss but he was shit at that too remember, too much tongue." He exclaimed making me chuckle at the end. It was true he was the worst but he was still the first boy to love me.

"Kio don't call the girl a skank its not her fault she had no clue I think so that's unfair, it was his actions. And yes he may have been the worst boyfriend but he was still the boy to ever love me. And I'm not that good anyone could do better than me so shush." I chuckled whilst still letting out a few tears.

"Okay I won't insult her but no one can do better than a beautiful, sweet, smart and funny girl like you so shush and he wasn't the first boy to love you." he whispered the last part so that I wouldn't hear it but I still did. That's when I had an idea. "What's your idea? You always pull that face when you have an idea."

"You might not like it but I need your help with the idea sooooo promise to help?" I asked as he nodded signalling me to tell him the plan. "Okay I know its mean but he is at football practice so his car will be at his house till 9pm, we could slash three of the tires and do some other to it. As a way of saying goodbye." I didn't know if Kio would say yes but he agreed and we grabbed all the stuff we would need taking his car to Noah's house with no one home.

*Timeskip to after they wrecked the car*

"I can't believe we just slashed 3 of his tires, put cheese on his car since it will take off the paint during tomorrow's sun and put 2 tampon's in his gas tank" Kio said smiling in shock as we drove back home. "He deserved it though for hurting my girl and it was kinda fun not going to lie." He continued. Those words 'my girl' made me so happy for no reason, just knowing that I had Kio was the best. He was the best.

"Thank you for this Kio, you truly are the best," I said giving him a massive hug as we pulled up at my house.

"No problem that's what friends are for, right?" he joked but I felt my face and heart drop as I remembered. That's all we are and ever will be. Just friends. I nodded and began walking into my house. Just friends...


Word count: 638 wordssss

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