[]I will break your heart like everyone else[]

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Backstory: Y/n (16) starts at a new school and becomes friends with Mattia (16) but since he is a fuckboy everybody thinks that he will break her heart.

¤Your POV¤

I had just gotten a ride with Mattia and the rest of the boy's to school since I had only been at school for a few weeks so I didn't know that many people. My first class was Math so me and Mattia walked together as we were in the same class. As I walked I felt people's eyes on me however I was used to it after the past week plus I was friend's with Mattia who everyone seemed to know. I sat down next to my other friend called Mia she was kind of quiet but I didn't mind. "Hey Y/n can we talk for a sec?" Mia asked as I sat down next to her as the teacher waited for more students to arrive. I nodded a little confused since I hadn't seen her be serious before. "Okay well I know that you and Mattia are friends and you seem happy with him but you don't have a crush on him right?" she looked at me as I pondered the question.

Mattia had been so nice to me, it was like he truly cared about me during the weeks we had gotten to know one another. When some guy wouldn't leave me alone on Instagram he text him telling him to back off. He gave me a ride everyday, he always listened to me, he helped me with work if I didn't understand. I would catch him staring at me occasionally during group face times and I would blush. I didn't have a crush on him because we didn't know each other well enough but if he asked me on a date I would most likely say yes. "I don't have a crush on him yet but if he asked me out I guess I wouldn't say no or anything, anyways why? If you have a crush on him I would never do anything with him I swear." I told her. She seemed to be conflicted as if she needed to say something but didn't want to.

"I don't like that I have to be the one to warn you but I don't want my friend getting hurt. Mattia is kinda known as the fuckboy or our school, he plays with girls emotions like its a sport and he breaks most hearts. I have never dated him and I wouldn't want to since I have seen how much he has hurt people. I am sorry I don't want to hurt your feelings or make you distrust your friend but I also don't want you to get hurt by him." She told me with a sorrow look on my face, all I could say in response was 'oh ok'. I looked over at Mattia giving him a sad smile as I felt tears pricking at my eyes for some reason but I didn't know why it was as though everything had changed. My feelings for him had to go.

Time skip brought to you by Tiktok dances

It had been a few days since I got told about Mattia being a bit of a heartbreaker. I hadn't told him about it but he seemed a little off with me. It was as though he was trying to cut me out, which hurt me even more since I had definitely caught feelings for him. I couldn't help it, he was so sweet whenever he would give me his hoodie if I was cold or stared at me in our calls or when he would interlock our hands when either of us were nervous. I saw him walking down the hall on his own when I decided that it was time to talk about it. He hadn't picked me or any of the guys up today so Kairi gave us a ride. "I want to talk, I caught feelings for you. I know I shouldn't have because we are just friends or whatever but I have and you ignoring me and pushing me away sucks. I don't care if you don't like me back but cutting me off for nothing is mean. And you have never been mean to me so why?" I asked feeling a wave of sadness hit me.

"I don't want to hurt you. The thought of anyone hurting you kills me so I can't let myself hurt you. But if we date I will break your heart like everyone else's and I just can't do it. I truly do care about you as well as liking you but I am not going to let me be the one that hurts you. Goodbye I wish you the best." He told me with a kiss on the cheek before walking away. I had no words, I can't let this be the end.


Word count: 820 words

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