× #shippppp × pt2

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Backstory: this is a part 2 so please go read part 1 in order for this to make sense, okay now on with the story.

¤Your POV¤

Hollywood Fix found us just 2 minutes from our favourite spot past the park. This place was usually super quiet so I had no clue as to how they had found us but I knew that something was going to make this go super downhill. "Y/n! Quinton! Hi how y'all doing? Are you guys on a date or something?" He asked, making me and Quin stop on our boards. I shot a confused look to Quinton and he just furrowed his brows just as confused as me.

"Hey nahhh this isn't a date or anything just two friends hanging out you know." Quinton responded casually as I stood next to him, looking down at my board. "How are you doing though bro like how have you been? I haven't seen you in a minute." He tried to ask noticing that I felt a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh come on it looks like you guys are together, like are you guys a couple? Or just talking? Or like what's going on here? Don't say you are just friends, you know that you find her attractive." He directed his interrogation more towards Quin, since had been the one to respond.

"Yes, y/n is a very attractive girl but we are just friends right now." Quinton assured as I looked up with a puzzled look covering my face. He had a small blush covering his cheeks that you wouldn't notice if you were not paying enough attention. But you were. "Anyways we should get going, it's late and y/n needs sleep or she get cranky." He teased as he began to pick up his board with me doing the same.

I chuckled slightly knowing there was some truth to it. The interviewer kept quizzing us whether something might happen in the future, the feelings we had, why we hadn't posted our dinner together online. We just kinda ignored it and start skating off back to the Sway house. The last thing we both heard from the interviewer was something about how we were going to date in the future since we didn't deny it. Quinton found me attractive? and what was with the "right now" thing? And why didn't he deny that we were going to date? now the shipping thing is going to get worse.

The whole time was silent until we reached the empty Sway house, all my question roamed around my head. Once the door was finally unlocked I sat on Vinnie's bed across from Quin's as he sat on his own. "Why you sitting over there?" He seemed confused as he asked.

"His bed is comfier, plus I just sat down whilst I was thinking about the whole interview thing, Like why did you call me attractive and why did you say right now. But why do you care? It's just a bed." I responded softly as he slightly scoffed.

"You can be so goddam clueless sometimes you know that?" He rhetorically muttered walking closer to me. "You want to know why I called you attractive? Why I never tell the fans to stop shipping us? Why every time someone asks about you my heart beat gets faster, I get stupid butterflies in my stomach and a blush covering my face." He seemed frustrated as he said all that list as if he had needed to say it for a while, I looked at him slightly shocked. He gets butterflies about me?

"Yes I do." I replied slightly smirking. He fell back on the bed before taking a breath to think, then came back up looking directly into my eyes.

"Because ever since I met you at the Hype house, you are all I think about I just want to make sure you are happy, and to protect and I want to make you mine." He muttered the last part do only you could hear from the nerves. "I get it if you don't feel the same its just that I have felt this way for a long time and when you got played by Chase last year all I wanted to was punch him in the face because if I had the chance with you I would treat you so much better, how you deserve to be treated." he explained looking down. I remembered how he had always been there for me, how he had been a shoulder to cry on. He meant everything to me. I lifted his chin so that he kept making eye contact with me. Then we had our first kiss, it was sweet and gentle but full of passion. I wish it could have lasted for hours but it was cut short by Quin pulling away. "Y/n you don't have to if you don't want to, I understand if you don't-" He was then interrupted by me.

"Will you please shut up and kiss me." I challenged him. Without warning he smashed his lips on mine this kiss was rough and heated but still just as passionate. I couldn't believe I was making out with my best friend.


Word count: 875 words

A/n : hope you enjoyed, have a nice night or day <3

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