🥬World Vegan Day🥬

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BY- anupamarrao
BANNER BY- -stxrs-

Happy Vegan Day, fellow vegans, partially vegans, hoping to be vegans, and non-vegans! Many might not even know this day existed until today, so let’s learn more about this day and its significance

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Happy Vegan Day, fellow vegans, partially vegans, hoping to be vegans, and non-vegans! Many might not even know this day existed until today, so
let’s learn more about this day and its significance.

First off, what is veganism? When the term “vegan” was first coined in the early 1940s, it signified vegetarians who didn’t consume dairy products. Now, almost 80 years later, vegans are people who do not consume or use any animal products and by-products like meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy, honey, leather, fur, and silk.

When was the World Vegan Society founded? There is no solid evidence of the exact date, but it was founded in November of 1944, hence World Vegan Day is now celebrated on the 1st of November as it is around the
traditional feasting and celebratory times of Halloween or Day of the Dead. The day was officially created by Louise Wallis, a British animal rights activist and the chair of the society, to raise awareness about animal rights.

Benefits of a Vegan Diet to you and the planet. It is helpful to keep heart diseases, certain cancers, type two diabetes, arthritis, and lung and
kidney diseases at bay. A mainly plant-based diet, it is high in fiber and low in cholesterol. Not only is it helpful to raise awareness about animals, but it is also helpful in reducing your Water Footprint, the measure of human appropriation of fresh water in volumes consumed and/or polluted. This is not just how much we consume for daily chores, but also how much goes into producing our food, clothes, appliances, and even the banknotes we use! For example, if a person consumes one kilogram of beef, that is equivalent to using up around 15000 liters of freshwater. However, if the same person switched to plant-based meats and consumed one kilogram of soybean/wheat-based meat, which is equivalent to around 1670 liters. This means that their water footprint would be reduced by a whopping 89%!!

Although it is one’s choice to go vegan if you truly care about our planet
and want to help in reversing climate change and delaying the irreversible
climate change (scheduled for 2028), definitely try the vegan way out to
protect our beautiful planet for the future generations.


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