🎆New Year's Eve 🎆

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By- NikkithaKJ
Banner by- -stxrs-

“Struggles end where gratitude begins."

Let's all face it! This year has taught us a lot of things which we might not have learnt otherwise. Learning to wear masks, maintaining social distance, staying indoors for months
together, these are all just a few things that we didn't want to do but, this year, we were forced to do them anyway.

Now, let's sit back and contemplate. Wasn't there even a single moment in the entire year when we felt happy? I'm sure there were at least a few happy, sweet moments in this year
that we will cherish for the rest of our lives.

The quality time we got to spend with our family, the relief from Monday blues to some extent, that moment when we made the perfect cake, the extra time we got to spend on our
hobbies and the things we love, all these are going to stay etched in our memories forever.

Though this new year's eve is not the usual one where we could go out and party all night, let's be grateful for all the experiences and the lessons that we've learnt this year.

Let's put on some nice music and enjoy the moment with our dear ones.

Maybe we won't be able to meet all of our loved ones but hey, who's stopping us from picking up our phones and calling them?

So, put on some music, sit with your family and friends or make a call to them and
enjoy the day!

Have some other plans? Well, go for it! Because we aren't going to get the opportunity to bid 2020 a farewell again!

Do let us know how you're planning to celebrate the end of 2020.

Let all the experiences of this year be our guide in the coming years!

Stay home! Stay safe! Enjoy!

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