✊🏻International Day of Democracy✊🏻

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By- mann101978
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◤◢◣◥◤ ◢◣◆◢◣◥◤◢◣◥ ◣◥◤◢◣ ◥◤◆◥◤◢◣◥◤◢|INTERNATIONAL DAY OF DEMOCRACY|By- mann101978Banner By- SankalpD000

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“Democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people.” - Abraham Lincoln

Every year, on 15th September, the International Day of Democracy is celebrated, with the purpose of promotion of the principles of democracy, and upholding them. In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly decided to observe the fifteenth day of September as a day dedicated to Democracy, all over the world.

The General Assembly of the UN invited all organisations and member states to celebrate the day in a suitable and appropriate manner which would also contribute in raising awareness among the public.
In September 1997, the Inter- Parliamentary Union (IPU) adopted a Universal Declaration on Democracy. That Declaration affirms the principles of democracy, the elements and exercise of democratic government, and the international scope of democracy.

At the suggestion of the IPU, on 15 September, which is the date of the Universal Declaration on Democracy, was chosen as the day when the international community would celebrate each year as the International Day of Democracy. The resolution entitled “Support by the United Nations system of efforts of Governments to promote and consolidate new or restored democracies,” was adopted by consensus on 8 November 2007.

On this International Day of Democracy, let us know a few things about Democracy.

What is Democracy?
There are various types of governments in the world, for example, monarchy, autocracy and a lot more. One of the most popular types of government is Democracy. It is a system of government which is governed by, either the whole population, or the representatives of the people, who are elected by all eligible citizens of the country.

Democracy has its origins in two Greek words, demos and kratos. Demos means people, while the latter means power. Literally, democracy means power of the people. Therefore, it is a way of governing which depends on the will of the people.

Democracy can be of different types:

Direct Democracy: All eligible citizens of a country are invited to make decisions for themselves. However, this type of democracy can only be practiced in countries having small populations as it is practically impossible for millions and billions of people to gather together at one place at the same time and make decisions for the country. Switzerland follows this type of democracy.

Representative Democracy: Representatives are elected by eligible people, and are entrusted to make correct and helpful decisions for them. In India, every citizen, no matter their caste, gender, religion, can vote for their representative, provided they are above the age of 18 years, which is also known as universal adult suffrage. Australia, which has a mixed system of government, is both a representative democracy and a constitutional monarchy.

Constitutional Democracy: In this, a constitution outlines who will represent the people, and in which way they will do so. Germany, the United States of America etc. follow this type of democracy.

Monitory Democracy: John Keane, a political scientist, in his book The Life and Death of Democracy,suggested that a new type of democracy is slowly emerging, in which the government is continuously monitored in the way it exercises its power by the vast public and several private agencies, regulatory mechanisms and commission.

Why is Democracy a more preferred form of government than the other types of government?

Everything has its pros and cons, however when we compare the types of government, it is found that democracy is preferred more over the others because:

It is a more accountable form of government. The rulers have to listen to the needs of the people.

It is based on consultation and decision. Although it is a long process, it reduces the chances of rash decision making and improves the quality of decision making.

Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts in society. And thus, it helps to maintain unity in a diverse country like India.

It enhances the dignity of citizens, as it is based on the concepts of political equality. One man one vote further evidences it.

It allows us to correct our own mistakes, as there is always a scope of discussion and the way people tend to ask, “How can democracy do better?” and point out errors, indicates that people are learning to expect more from democracy, as in a way, they trust this form of government to help them.

Thus, while no form of government is the best form to follow all over the world, Democracy is certainly a better form of government.

Therefore, the United Nations decided to dedicate a day to celebrate this form of government, and to raise public awareness. And for this, a different theme has been selected every year since 2007.

In 2021, the chosen theme is “Strengthening democratic resilience in the face of future crises.”

An argument over which is the best form of government all over the world, has been going on for decades now. But the truth is, there is no correct answer for such a question. Form of government evolves over a period of time, and different types are suitable for different countries all over the world.

In India, the representative form of democracy is the best suitable for us due to the large population. We often criticise the political leaders for taking rash decisions, but we ourselves have chosen them. So many of us consider 'Voting' as nothing but a mere formality, a time consuming thing. But it is our right. Not everyone across the world, even though they are of age, get to choose their own representatives due to various reasons.

If we want our leaders to work properly, then we should become active citizens. Vote properly, after considering all the options nicely and thinking over why one representative is better than the other. Raise your voice when you see an injustice being done. Stand up when you think a decision taken is not right, or is unfair for the people. Don't just stand by and act passively.

If we want the government to listen to your needs, to help you, then we have to work towards it. On this International Day of Democracy, let us all promise to do all of this and become a good citizen, so that we can live in a peaceful world and be surrounded by calmness.

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