🧠World Alzheimer's Day🧠

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BY ZindagiKeRang

Have you ever kept something and forgotten where you kept it or have you ever forgotten an important date or event. If you have then think about that feeling of forgetting, and make it a way of life, intensify that feeling a few times over.

Every year 21st September is celebrated as World Alzheimer’s day and the month of September is known as World Alzheimer’s month.

Every year 21st September is celebrated as World Alzheimer’s day and the month of September is known as World Alzheimer’s month

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The first case of Alzheimer's was noticed by Dr.Alois Alzheimer in 1901. He had noticed this disease in a fifty-year-old woman and followed the case for the next six years till the woman's death, and in 1906 he published his findings after that. After his work was published five or six more similar cases were published by other psychiatrists and it came to be known as the ‘Alzheimer’s disease’.

Around 60-70% of all the cases of dementia in the world are caused by Alzheimer's disease. This disease like any other causes a person to forget. At first in the early onset of the disease, a person only forgets little things, but as the years progress and the disease grows, the person starts to forget more and more things, from events to big life events and eventually the person will start to forget even themselves, and start losing motor senses leading to death.

It is degenerating disease which is characterized by the loss of brian
Neurons and synapses. This causes the loss of memories because
neurons that connect one memory to another are lost. There are a few medicines available and memory therapies that can increase life expectancy but no permanent cure.

Dementia and Alzheimer's have a taboo against them this month and this day are a way to raise awareness for the disease

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Dementia and Alzheimer's have a taboo against them this month and this day are a way to raise awareness for the disease. Half the people in this world never get tested for this disease.

Spread the message that it is a disease like any other disease that can be
treated, if not cured.


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