I took a deep sigh, figuring I knew what the 'news' was. But why would he come here? Isn't he offended that I hid my gender from him?

"Is that so...? Thank you for coming, I guess..."

My words came out rushed and quiet, not sure how to feel. I hadn't talked to anyone who knew of my gender in such a long time. It had become a forgotten feeling... So much so that my head hung low in embarrassment.

"Of course. I felt bad for how Tsukki had treated you the other day... Um..." Tadashi coughed softly before continuing, "The team would love it if you would be willing to come visit the club after school. Not as Katsuro though... But as you."

I could only look up in shock, utterly confused.

"Why...?! Isn't everyone insulted that I pretended to be a boy?! With my secret out, I won't be able to be on the team. I don't understand-"

"Please just trust me!" Tadashi stated, cutting me off.

The genuine tone in his voice... I could only believe that he had good intentions at the heart of his visit.

"... Alright... I'll come..."

Tadashi smiled, his eyes seeming to sparkle with happiness.

"Really?! Thank you! I'll be sure to tell everyone you're coming!"

The excitement he was feeling resulted in him standing up, seeming as though he was eager to tell everyone the 'good news'.

"I must apologize for leaving so abruptly, but I must get to school before I miss all my classes."

My mother smiled softly, responding for me.

"Of course. Thank you for taking the time to visit us."

Tadashi bowed quickly before running out of the house, closing the front door behind him with a slight slam.

Now it was just my mother and my awkward self...

"... I should go clean my room..." I stated quietly, standing up as I said that.

"Yes, you should. But I also think that it's time you rid yourself of all of your 'Katsuro' things. It's time to move on from that phase in your life."

While I still wanted to cling onto that part of me, I knew that it would be useless to try to keep that act up.

"Right... I'll most likely be cleaning up for a while."

My mother smiled softly.

"Of course. Take all the time you need. I'll have some lunch prepared for when you're done."

"Thank you."

And with that, I headed up to my room. Not only to clean up... but to finally move on from a stage of my life...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I'll be doing various errands nearby so just contact me when you're done." My mother stated as I exited the car.

"Thank you... But you didn't have to drive me here. I've made it just fine on foot before."

A sad smile formed on my mother's face.

"I know, but I felt like doing this to help you. Besides, now that you're finally showing who you are... Who knows how many guys will try to hit on you."

With a wink, my mother laughed softly.

"Alright, I get it... Sheesh, you're embarrassing me..."

"Then you better get going. Go get 'em tiger!"

I hid my face in embarrassment before running off for the gym, just knowing my mother was laughing back in the car.

Serve's Up: Who Do You Choose? [Abandoned - Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now