THREE: The guy.

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Adaeze pov

I just came back from church and I was on my bed listening to i will always love you by whitney houston. Though she's dead, she is the first solo artist in 20th century to reach one billion views on youtube.

I was also reading different world's by zeemzie on wattpad. The music playing from the bluetooth speaker was suddenly turned off.

I looked up to see Stella with crossed hands over her chest. She was dressed like someone that was going to a party.

"How long are you going to stay in bed" She asked and crossed her hands under her chest.

"As long as I can" I said looking at her confusingly. She jumped on the bed.

"Let's go out for lunch, this house is so boring" She said and collected my phone.

"Can't we just stay at home" I wasn't tired but I don't feel like going outside.



We just settled in an expensive looking restaurant not to far from Stella's eatery. I insisted we should go to a not too expensive restaurant but Stella said the money is on her.

I scanned the place as my eyes landed on something or should I say someone who was already looking at me. I quickly diverted my eyes from him.

"Adaeze, Adaeze" Stella called as she tapped on my hands. I turned to look at her.

"Stella, what is it?" I asked. She was pointing towards the direction I had just looked away from and I quickly dropped her hand.

"Look at that guy over there" She said smiling like she had won a trophy.

"What guy?" I asked without turning. I did not need someone to tell me that he was looking towards our direction.

"Is he not handsome?" She cooed.

Luckily, our food arrived and I didn't have to answer. I did not fully look at the man she was talking about. I picked up my food and started eating.

"Adaeze" Stella called again.

"Stella, what?" I was getting annoyed that she still looking in that direction.

"He is coming here" She whispered and turned to her food pretending like she was not looking at him.

"Ok, but Stella, you have a boyfriend" I said.

"Not for me, silly, you" She glared. "And besides we ,I got break up soon"

"No, no, I am not interested" I said almost choking on the food.

"Tell him to his face because he is right behind you" She replied still focused on her food.

I slowly turn around to see the guy behind me.

"Hi" He said as he smiled. Gosh, that set of white teeth is meant to be in his museum. He has a muscular body and a skin that doesn't look Nigerian.

"Hi" He repeated again still looking at me. I realised I was staring for too long and there was nothing I could do about it. It was not everytime you see someone handsome like him.

"Hey" Stella waved at him. She stepped on the shoe from under the table which made me look away, my face flushed in embarrassment.

"Since there is an available seat, can I sit here?" He asked looking at me.


I turned back to my food ignoring his question.

"Yes you can, someone needs entertainment" Stella replied while looking at me. I Sent her a glare.

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